Utilisateur:Labor jean Marie/Brouillon


LABOR (Labor1937) Lives and works in Réunion....

Robert Labor was born in 1937 in Sainte-Clotilde. noticed early by his teachers at the Lycée...Labor, self-taught, exhibits his landscapes in StDenis...he is selected to join the Lycee Claude Bernard in Paris for preparation for the Professorship of Drawing and Plastic Arts

The Claude Bernard Institute in Paris, the only approved school in the 60s/70s preparing for Professorship (replaced today by the ARTS Universities) found itself in rivalry with the Fine Arts graduates who came to work there, intending to become professorship

His contract is made and accepted, by the Lycée de St Denis by the institute and high school Claude Bernard remains the signature of the Parents...disappointment!!

Orphan of father, his guardian does not sign the contract

courageously Labor continues his studies in Mathematics obtains the Baccalaureate in mathematics with good honors. He comes to continue his studies at the University of Montpellier (Maths section) and continues to paint (a passion)

He joined the AZUR gallery in Montpellier as a painter 1960-62 Did his military service in the Chasseurs à Pieds of Granville 21 Battalion of Chasseurs à Pieds (19 months)

On the advice of art amateurs and professionals

He resumes contact with the Claude Bernard Institute, renowned for its elitism and its difficulties (110 teachers to be recruited throughout France) He sends his homework to be corrected by the school teachers, follows the Evening courses at the Beaux Arts in Lyon, for sketches and drawings of nudes, draws the antiques in the casts reserve above the University of Law in Lyon, Passes his certificates in Paris and succeeds in three years with Fairly Good Mention in Drawing and Decoration with Good Mention at CAPES, in 1972, where he became a certified teacher then an associate professor of visual arts, an artist on the island who enjoys a certain notoriety

Stands out as a Professor: Prize for frescoes in the Radio France competition, Noticed by Madame Pompidou who had the tapestry fresco made in Aubusson by Robert FOUR (tapestry at the Léon Dierx Museum in St Denis La Reunion alongside Don Ambroise Vollard Reunionese too

   . In 1975, with other professors (Agathe Eristov Gengiskhan, Didier Legall, Marc Lambron, Christian Martin), he created a gallery called “Actuel”, which hosted exhibitions in Saint-Pierre for a little over two years. In 1976, he created a monumental habitable sculpture following an order from the Ministry of Culture for the 1% of the Roland Garros high school in Le Tampon. In 1979, he had a personal exhibition at the Léon Dierx Museum, and appeared in the book "Peintres de La Réunion" produced the same year by Tony Manglou and Jean-François Sam-Long and published by the UDIR (Union for the Defense). of Reunion Island Identity). In the 80s and 90s, when the contemporary art network was formed, it was marginalized: Too independent, not Creole enough for the left-wing cultural movement, too “modernist” for those who pride themselves on “contemporary” art. . , he nevertheless continues to paint in his studio in Le Tampon, and to exhibit and sell his works in galleries in France.Alternat Rue Vieille du Temple, Espace 51 rue des Archives ( in the Marais)

Robert Labor's pictorial approach comes, like a whole section of contemporary creation, from a constant questioning of the history of art. He revisits and appropriates artistic influences and movements, questioning them in a perspective that aims to be plural. On the one hand, Labor calls itself “more African than Picasso”, and links its shapes and colors in a visceral way to its Creole culture and to the multiple influences of rhythm, animism and magic present in Reunion. On the other hand, he maintains, through his painting, a dialogic relationship with the great modernist avant-gardes and contemporary trends: what does the act of painting forms influenced by Picasso and Braque mean in Réunion in the 70s and 80s? ? ? What size do the Rauschenberg-style combined tables take on this side of the equator in 1975? Cubist, expressionist, minimal, conceptual, impressionist… predominantly figurative or in total abstraction, his work rejects all categorization in favor of a “poetics of the relationship”, dear to Edouard Glissant. Against isolation and alienation, Labor's work proposes a relationship between men and history and landscape, time and space.

Text Source Artothèque de St Denis