
Lifelong Learning Platform

Forme juridique Association sans but lucratif
Zone d’influence Éducation
Fondation 2005
Siège Brussels
Président David Lopez
Affiliation européenne Civil Society Europe
Financement European Commission
Slogan « learning from cradle to grave. »
Site web www.lllplatform.eu

Lifelong Learning Platform (European Civil Society for education and lifelong learning)[1] is a non-profit and membership organisation (aisbl) registered in Belgium. It brings together over 41 European organisations working in education and training. Together, these organisations cover all sectors of education and training including networks for higher education, vocational education and training, adult education and popular education; networks for students, school heads, parents, HRD professionals, teachers and trainers. Currently these networks represent more than 50 000 educational institutions and associations covering all sectors of formal, non-formal and informal learning. Their members reach out to several millions of people across Europe.

The LLLP was created with the purpose of involving the different educative actors as closely as possible in the dynamics of discussing and implementing the policies and actions of the European Union. Its goal is to offer the possibility for the voice of European citizens to be heard on educational issues[2], and, leaning on the expertise of the networks that make up the platform, to bring concrete solutions for potential ways in which the decisions made by the European Institutions can be realised.

LLLP (former EUCIS-LLL) aims to build a citizen’s voice on education and training issues but also to propose concrete solutions to policy-makers in order to make lifelong learning a reality for all at all levels. The Platform is unique in bringing together these actors in a constructive dialogue across sectors but also between them and decision-makers. It works as a resource centre, a space for knowledge exchange and an incubator for policy recommendations to support a cultural shift in learning.



Steering Committee

Title Name Country
President David Lopez   France
Secretary General Regina Ebner   Austria
Treasurer Luis Costa   Portugal
Vice Presidents Jean-Marie Dujardin   Belgium
Mare Oje   Estonia
Eszter Salamon   Hungary
Giuseppina Tucci   Italy
Joana Pankowska   Poland



