
Philippe Grangier, born on March 12th 1957, is a French physicist who specialized in quantum mechanics. He graduated from the École Nationale Supérieure of Cachan.

He worked during his PhD under the supervision of Alain Aspect [1] and took part in the Aspect experiment (1982), solving the ‘EPR paradox’. He co-signed two articles with Alain Aspect on this research.

Along with his team, he worked on a quantum cryptography technique, now commercialized by the company SeQureNet [2].

He currently works as a research director at the CNRS, is head of the quantum optics group of the Charles Fabry laboratory at the Institut d'optique Graduate School [3] and a professor at the École Polytechnique.

  • 2013 : Grand Prix SFO Léon Brillouin Laureate [4]
  • 2008 : Jean-Ricard Award of the French Physics Society
  • 2005 : Lazare Carnot Award of the Academy of Science
  • 2002 : Silver medal of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique [5]



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