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//<source lang="javascript" line>
 * Scriptus
 * La fonction Scriptus sert à rédiger sur wikipédia de manière naturelle, 
 * par simple doubleclic et confimation de sauvegarde. 
 * La définition de ce script se trouve ici : 
 * Le code du script est librement inspiré du système de modification-inline de Olivier Lance
 * Auteurs : ivo talvet (fr:user:Tavernier) , JoKerozen (fr:user:JoKerozen)
 * Date de dernière révision : 15 octobre 2007
 * copié-collé depuis

function Scriptus() {
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function loadEventsScriptus() {

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function findBlocScriptus(numSection) 
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    // quitte a charger la page d'edit, autant le faire ici et récupérer wpTextbox1, qui normalement est a jour 

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function afficheBlocScriptus(editFormSeek) {

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    summary.value="Veuillez résumer vos modifications"

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    save.value = "Envoyer"

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    preview.type = "button";
    preview.value = "Prévisualisation"

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function annuleScriptus() {

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    if (document.getElementById('wikiPreview')) {
        var oldpreview = document.getElementById('wikiPreview').parentNode.removeChild(document.getElementById('wikiPreview'))
    var oldform = bloc.removeChild(form);


== Après affichage ==

<source lang="javascript" line>*/

function envoye2BlocScriptus() {

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    var wpSummary = encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('wpSummary').value);
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    // recuperation des champ hidden

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var asdfgh = wpajaxScriptus.http({ url: mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/api.php?action=query&prop=info&titles=' + mw.config.get('wgPageName') + '&intoken=edit&format=xml', async:false });
var parser = new DOMParser();
var doc = parser.parseFromString(asdfgh.responseText, 'text/xml');

//alert("api editoken : " + doc.getElementsByTagName('page')[0].getAttribute('edittoken'));
//alert("editform wpEditToken : " + wpEditToken);

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ed3 = ed2.split(':')[0]+ed2.split(':')[1]+ed2.split(':')[2];
edfin = ed3.split('Z')[0]

//alert("api edittime" + edfin)
//alert("editform wpEdittime : " + wpEdittime);

//alert("editform wpStarttime : " + wpStarttime);
date = new Date();
//alert("starttime en fonction de lobjet Date() : " + getTimeStampScriptus(date) );

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                                 + encodeURIComponent(mw.config.get('wgPageName')) 
                                 + '&action=submit',
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                                + '&wpStarttime=' + wpStarttime 
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function previsualisationScriptus() {

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    var wpSection = document.ou
    var wpSummary = encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('wpSummary').value);
    if (wpSummary == encodeURI("Veuillez résumer vos modifications")) wpSummary = ""; 

    // recuperation des champ hidden

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    var wpEditToken = document.getElementById('hiddenEditToken').value;
    var wpStarttime = document.getElementById('hiddenStarttime').value;

    if (document.ou == 0) {
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    var Section_editee = '&wpSection=' + wpSection

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                                 + encodeURIComponent(mw.config.get('wgPageName')) 
                                 + '&action=submit',
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                          async: false,
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                                + '&wpStarttime=' + wpStarttime 
                                + '&wpEdittime=' + wpEdittime
                                + '&wpEditToken=' + wpEditToken 
                                + Section_editee
                                + '&wpPreview=Prévisualisation'
                                + suivi
                                + '&wpSummary=' + wpSummary + encodeURIComponent(' (mpa)')});

    var parser = new DOMParser();

    var previewRetour = parser.parseFromString(document.HttpWPpreview.responseText, 'application/xhtml+xml');
    var previewHtml = previewRetour.getElementById('wikiPreview');
    var previewDiv = document.createElement("div");
    previewDiv = previewHtml;

    var titre = previewDiv.getElementsByTagName('h2')[0];

    var Aretirer = previewDiv.getElementsByTagName('div')[0];

    var form = $('.ajaxedit')[0];
    previewDiv = form.parentNode.parentNode.insertBefore(previewDiv, form.parentNode.nextSibling); = "2px solid #FF8080"; = "#FCFFE5"; = "#FF8080";

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    fermeturePreview.innerHTML = '<a href="javascript:var temporaire = document.getElementById(\'wikiPreview\').parentNode.removeChild(document.getElementById(\'wikiPreview\'));" title="Fermer la prévisualisation">fermer</a>'; //virer le innerHTML


function apresModifScriptus() {


    var parser = new DOMParser();

    var doc = parser.parseFromString(document.HttpWPedit.responseText, 'application/xhtml+xml');
    var entirepage = doc.getElementById('bodyContent');
    var bodycontent = document.getElementById('bodyContent');
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    newbody = entirepage;

//   for(var i=0; i < onloadFuncts.length; i++) { onloadFuncts[i](); }
// test

	for (var i = 0; i < onloadFuncts.length; i++) {


var wpajaxScriptus = { // depuis
  http: function(bundle) {
    // mandatory: bundle.url
    // optional:  bundle.async
    // optional:  bundle.method
    // optional:  bundle.headers
    // optional:
    // optional:  bundle.onSuccess (xmlhttprequest, bundle)
    // optional:  bundle.onFailure (xmlhttprequest, bundle)
    // optional:  bundle.otherStuff OK too, passed to onSuccess and onFailure
    var xmlhttp;
        try {xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();} catch (e) {xmlhttp = false}
    if (xmlhttp) {
      xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
        if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4) {
      } ? bundle.method : "GET",bundle.url,bundle.async == false ? false : true);
      if (bundle.headers) {
        for (var field in bundle.headers)
      xmlhttp.send( ? : null); 

    return xmlhttp;
  httpComplete: function(xmlhttp,bundle) {

    if (xmlhttp.status == 200 || xmlhttp.status == 302) {
      if (bundle.onSuccess) {
      } else if (bundle.onFailure) {
      } else {
      // A activer en debug mode ?
      if (xmlhttp.statusText != "OK") alert(xmlhttp.statusText);

// Parser
if (document.implementation.createDocument) {
  var gml_xmlparser = new DOMParser();
function gml_XMLParse(string) {
  if (document.implementation.createDocument) {
    return gml_xmlparser.parseFromString(string, "text/xml");
  return null;

//renvoi le timeStamp depuis l'object date
function getTimeStampScriptus(date)
    return date.getFullYear() + 
        toNString(date.getMonth() + 1, 2) + 
        toNString(date.getDate(), 2) + 
        toNString(date.getHours(), 2) + 
        toNString(date.getMinutes(), 2) + 
        toNString(date.getSeconds(), 2)
