
Active Flow Networks (AFN) is a network where the motion of particle inside is propel by an active mechanism [1][2]. This type of network is used to study the motion in biological medium such as organelles, including the Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) [3]. In AFN, the flow between the nodes of a network are actively driven, as opposed to passive transport by diffusion[4]. Active transport requires energy consumption, found in biological systems with the form of ATP. Another example of AFN is given by the slime mold Physarum polycephalum which is growing as a network[5], where the motion is driven an active flow.

Active Flow Networks in Biology


A biological network consists of an ensemble of nodes connected by branches, lines or wires. Materials can move inside a network by various modes such as passive diffusion or active motion. Active motion results in a deterministic motion at least in part of the network[6].

Active Flow Networks in Physics


In electronics, diodes or resistances form network consuming electrical energy. Theories based on mathematical graph theory and physicochemical reaction rate theory are used to quantify mass-conserving active flow networks [1]. Diode networks have also been introduced in percolation problems by constructing neighbouring lattice sites that transmit connectivity or information in one direction only[7] [8].

Active Flow Network in transportation


This AFN is generated by an active transport mechanism occurring in the network. Transport can be unidirectional, which is reminiscent of train transportation when there is only one rail. It can also represent communication (telephone), where the recevier waits that the emtter stop speaking to start. In a general frame, there is a limiting capacity due to a maximal amount of commodities that can travel inside a branch connecting two nodes [9].

Active Flow Networks in medicine


Arteries and vein generate a network where the blood flow is pulsed by the heart contraction cycle. The flow is model using complex fluid mechanics (Navier-stokes equations) that could be coupled to the structure [10] [11]. Red blood cells are transported inside these networks [12] and high pressure resistance could be due in part to red blood cell trafficking jam but also to capillary (largest pressure drops occur in the smallest vessels), especially in the brain[13] [14]. Blood flow is an active process further modulated by neuronal activity[15]

Properties of Active Flow Network (AFN) inside the Endoplasmic Reticulum


Active Flow Network have specfic properties: for a network represented by a graph (G,N), with N nodes connected by junctions, there are two interesting properties [16] called Trapping and backtracking in AFN.

Trapping is a propety where mouving molecules are trapped and thus are synchornized.

Backtracking is a property showing that a previously visited nodes is usually not to be immediately visited again.

Under these two effects (trapping and backtracking), the network exploration is slower when compared to a undirectional network or diffusion, where such situation does not occur. [16]

Remarks: AFN models can be used to study data extracted by fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP), single particle trajectories or photoactivation.


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