
Grasshopper est un environnement de programmation visuel développé par David Rutten pour Robert McNeel & Associates et qui fonctionne à travers le logiciel de conception assistée par ordinateur Rhinoceros 3D.

Il permet de créer des scripts en articulant des composants dans un canevas.

Grasshopper est utilisé pour créer des algorithmes génératifs, notamment dans l'art génératif.

Grasshopper is primarily used to build generative algorithms, such as for generative art.[2][3] Many of Grasshopper's components create 3D geometry.[ex 1] Programs may also contain other types of algorithms including numeric, textual,[ex 2] audio-visual[ex 3] and haptic applications.[ex 4]

Advanced uses of Grasshopper include parametric modelling for structural engineering,[4] parametric modelling for architecture and fabrication,[5] lighting performance analysis for eco-friendly architecture[6][7] and building energy consumption.[7]

The first version of Grasshopper was released in September 2007, and titled Explicit History. Grasshopper has become part of the standard Rhino toolset in Rhino 6.0 and later.[8]

AEC Magazine stated that Grasshopper is "Popular among students[9][10][11][12][13][14] and professionals,[15][16] McNeel Associate’s Rhino modelling tool is endemic in the architectural design world. The new Grasshopper environment provides an intuitive way to explore designs without having to learn to script."[17]