
Coral Reef Creator


Coral Reef Creator is the only company specializing in Underwater Landscaping & Coral Reef Restoration. By spreading coral reefs and enhancing marine ecosystems, we reduce the impact human has on the environment and global warming. Also, thanks to custom-tailored artificial barrier reefs, we propose efficient solutions regarding beaches erosion and pollution issues.





Coral Reef Restoration


CRC's marine biologists use a wide range of tools and procedures to efficiently restore altered coral reefs and proactively revitalize disturbed marine environments.

Underwater Landscaping


CRC designs, creates and monitors customized Coral Gardens, tailoring a reef project around your vision, budget and needs.

Solar Reef System


CRC use the solar energy to accelerate the growth of corals and reduce their sensitivity to bleaching.

Coastal Erosion Protection


CRC's engineers and scientists develop innovative solutions for shoreline protection and erosion control.

Marine Fisheries Enhancement


CRC designs, creates and monitors high quality marine habitats offering nurseries and sanctuaries to targeted fish populations.

Environmental Impact Assessment


CRC marine ecologists ensure that decision makers consider the ensuing environmental impacts when deciding whether to proceed with a project.

Marine Jetties, Pontoons & Floating Docks


CRC designs, installs and maintains a wide range of wooden pontoons or floating modular plastic docks, tailoring the project around your needs and budget.

Aquaculture Improvement & Sustainability


CRC's experienced engineers develop solutions to increase the production, enhance the quality and improve environmental integration in Aquaculture.

Aquarium Creation


CRC designs, implements and maintains sea water tanks of any volume, recreating full-fledged and personalized coral ecosystems anywhere you imagine.

Media Relation & Eco-Tourism Awards Winning


CRC optimizes the exposure and benefits of your Reef Project through media sources and advertising campaigns.



Koh Tao Coral Reef Restoration Project


Aleenta Phuket Coral Barrier Reef Project


Soneva Kiri Coral Garden Project


Koh Tao Scuba Diving Coral reef Project


Akaryn Samui Coral Revitalization Project


Our Customer


Resorts & Eco-Tourism Sector


Coastal Municipalities/Governments


Marine Fisheries / Aquaculture


Oil & Gas Companies




About Us




Coral reefs are a treasured world with their amazing diversity of shapes and colours. They provide a daily alimentary resource to millions of people. All the while protecting coasts and human habitations, coral reefs are an important source of monetary income thanks to tourism. Their biodiversity contains hidden potentialities still unexplored by science. And thanks to the photosynthetic activity of their symbiotic algae, they act like one of the "lungs" of our planet, as the Amazonian forest does.

But, coral reefs are also an endangered world, with one fifth of their area having been continually destroyed over the last forty years. The causes? To name a few: an over-exploitation of marine resources, the harmful effect of global warming and growing pollution of oceanic waters which negatively impacts the entire marine ecosystem.

We must protect this world. If mankind continues to develop rapidly without stopping and taking Nature into consideration, there will not only be environmental degradation, but a complete extinction of coral reefs. Alas, the clock cannot be turned back in the process of evolution; an extinguished species will be lost forever.

It is imperative that a solution to this problem be found. That is the reason why Coral Reef Creator, was established as a marine bioengineering company specializing in coral reef creation. Thanks to techniques of coral transplantation and restoration which have proven to be successful, CRC designs, implements and monitors flourishing marine environments.

Our Team


Coral Reef Creator (CRC) is a Swiss-French company based in Thailand and founded in 2009. Our experienced team of marine biologists and aquaculture engineers is a global partner for the sustainable management and enhancement of marine ecosystems.

We are uniquely experienced to tailor innovative solutions around our customers’ vision and budget as well as to propose them the most sustainable solutions for their needs. Each of our Coral Garden Creations is unique, making CRC the only company in the world specializing in Underwater Landscaping.

In partnership with our devoted team, you can efficiently participate in safeguarding marine biodiversity. Moreover our diagnostic expertise helps our customers to make informed decision before carry out a project in coastal / marine area.

The Concept


Coral Reef Creator (CRC) is a Swiss-French company based in Thailand and founded in 2009. Our experienced team of marine biologists and aquaculture engineers is a global partner for the sustainable management and enhancement of marine ecosystems.

We are uniquely experienced to tailor innovative solutions around our customers’ vision and budget as well as to propose them the most sustainable solutions for their needs. Each of our Coral Garden Creations is unique, making CRC the only company in the world specializing in Underwater Landscaping.

In partnership with our devoted team, you can efficiently participate in safeguarding marine biodiversity. Moreover our diagnostic expertise helps our customers to make informed decision before carry out a project in coastal / marine area.


Press Releases






Save Coral Reefs


The association Save Coral Reefs is a non-profit organisation, law of 1901, with objectives being to protect, preserve, and reestablish reef ecosystems by using coral propagation techniques and by installing artificial reefs. Save Coral Reefs is the result of its members passion for the ocean combined with the need to put in place efficient actions to protect it.

If the main goal of the association is to protect marine ecosystems, our team of volunteers and professionals is specifically focused on fixing coral ecosystems and on saving the incredible biodiversity they are. << 75% of the world coral reefs are currently threatened by local and global pressures... If nothing is being done, over 90% of the coral reefs are threatened within 2030 and almost all of them will deasapear by 2050 >>...<< Overfishing activities and the population growth on coastal areas are the most immediate and direct risks which both threat over 60% of the coral reefs of the world>>.(Extracts from: Reefs at Risk Revisited, February 23, 2011; report published by: PNUE-World Conservation Monitoring Center; World Resources Institute; Nature Conservancy; le WorldFish Center; International Coral Reef Action Network, Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network).

Conclusions of this global analysis on the current state of corals on our planet summarize the urgency of the situation. It is in this context that Save Coral Reefs acts and tries to bring together as many people as possible to a common will which is to give this wonderful resource to our children. In this matter, our association is looking for founds and volunteers to build artificial reefs on which coral grows are being attached. Thanks to this technique, it is possible to fix or create full coral reefs. However, we need your support!

In order to learn about what has already be done, how we did it, where we wish to do it again and how you can help us, we invite you to visit our website. You are welcome in Save Coral Reefs!

Pure Blue Foundation


When we started Aleenta Resorts and the Akaryn Hospitality Management Services Group, our sincerest wish was to make sure that wherever a resort is built, the tranquil environment that first attracted us would not just be preserved, but safeguarded for a better tomorrow. With this philosophy in mind, I would like to highlight the grave plight that has befallen the seas and oceans, and what together we can do to help.

All around the world, marine biodiversity face threats from activities and events including coastal development, overfishing, inland pollution, global climate change and ocean acidification caused by some of the excess carbon dioxide emissions being absorbed by the world's oceans. As a result, scientists have found that Pacific coral reefs are dying at an unprecedented rate. Almost 600 square miles of reef have disappeared every year since the late 1960s -- that's twice the rate of rainforest loss. Here in the Indo-Pacific,we have 75 per cent of the world's coral reefs and the highest coral diversity in the world; however, a recent study revealed that reefs are disappearing at a rate of one percent each year.

Reefs are vital in a multitude of ways. They have played an important economic and cultural role in the region for hundreds of years and their continued decline could mean the loss of millions of dollars in fisheries and tourism, as well as spelling the end of a livelihood and the enjoyment of some of nature's most fascinating wonders for many. This imminent threat is why we, working in tandem with Coral Reef Creator (CRC), a Swiss-French company that specialises in the conception, development and creation of coral reefs based on artificial structures, have come up with an ambitious plan: to construct a coral reef park 20 metres offshore from Aleenta Resort & Spa Phuket-Phangna on Natai Beach.

The Pure Blue Foundation was set up to make sure that this groundbreaking project would be conducted in a professional and transparent manner, as well as to give as many people the chance to get involved as possible. I hope that you will take a moment of your valuable time to review the attached presentation and discover how you can play a part in saving the sea's fragile ecosystem.

Sustainable Smaile


Sustainable Smiles is a non-profit organization that promotes environmental, social and economic sustainability and appreciation for nature in communities around the world. Founded in 2009. Sustainable Smiles works to facilitate the development of sustainable and environmentally active communities through participatory based approaches, knowledge transfer, research, and environmental education. Their focus is to empower student and stakeholders to manage and preserve the integrity of their environment for future generations. Today more than ever, environmental threats such as over-exploitation, pollution, development, deforestation, erosion, and global warming are leading to potentially irreversible harm to our environment and livelihoods. Sustainable Smiles continually works to instill in students and local community members an overall understanding and appreciation for nature while showing them how to minimize adverse actions and promote environmental safe practices. By providing local community members with the skills, knowledge, and tools they need to work together to solve environmental issues, Sustainable Smiles strives to strengthen their capacity to implement effective management strategies. Sustainable Smiles believe that education and empowerment is the first step that leads to positive change, sustainability, and effective decision making.

SEEK Phuket


SEEK is an organisation setup to work with local community, local government, the private sector and residents of Phuket to communicate and lobby to keep Phuket a leading sustainable destination for the future.

CRC Environmental Policy


CRC's environmental policy supports our commitment to minimize operational impacts. It identifies key environmental issues for our organization on pollution, recycling waste, saving energy, and conducting all business matters in an environmentally sound manner.

We have established internal processes to support our environmental objectives. Thus, for every project, we commit to transplant, free of charge, 5 % of the total amount of corals. This gratuitous action compensates the greenhouse gas emission related to the transport of CRC staff and materials.