Utilisateur:Farda elahi/Brouillon

Shéhérazade Semsar-de Boisséson


Shéhérazade Semsar-de Boisséson (born 27 December 1968) is a Franco-Iranian business women.



Daughter of the journalist and Editor-in-Chief of Kayhan, Mehdi Semsar (1929-2003) and of Guity Elahi (founder of Omid Journalist Prize), Shéhérazade is a prominent alumni of Georgetown University School of Foreign Service where she completed her Bachelor and Masters in 1990 at the age of 21 years old. She began her career at Ciba-Geigy in 1990. In 1993, at the age of 23 years old she founded Development institute international, one of France's leading conference providers. In 2013, she acquired European Voice from The Economist Group. As publisher and owner of European Voice she relaunched its website and created new services. In December 2014, POLITICO and Axel Springer, acquired European Voice and Dii. Sheherazade Semsar-de Boisséson became the Managing Director of POLITICO in Europe. Shéhérazade is married to Laurent de Boisséson and they have three children Inès, Louise and Cyrus.

Other Activities


Shéhérazade Semsar-de Boisséson serves on the Board of Directors of Georgetown University since 2013. She is also member of the Board of Directors of the French-American Foundation.


  1. http://www.wsj.com/articles/politico-axel-springer-to-buy-european-voice-1418213001
  2. http://blogs.wsj.com/brussels/2014/12/10/politicos-strategy-for-europe-overwhelming-force/
  3. http://www.standard.co.uk/lifestyle/london-life/politico-the-us-news-site-launches-in-europe-10210972.html
  4. http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/jun/18/can-politico-make-brussels-sexy
  5. http://www.lesechos.fr/14/10/2015/lesechos.fr/021405344509_l-americain-politico-veut-continuer-a-grossir.htm
  6. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/04/25/business/media/politico-pierces-the-brussels-bubble-with-us-style-coverage.html
  7. http://archives.lesechos.fr/archives/2002/Enjeux/00180-032-ENJ.htm
  8. http://www.bnpparibasdeveloppement.com/paroles