Utilisateur:Eta.CarineaII (mdp perdu)/Brouillon/Planète glacée

Modèle:Ref improve Une ([planète]] de glace est un type de planète avec une surface glaciale. Les planètes de glace consistent en cryosphere global(mondial). Les planètes de glace sont les versions plus grandes des lunes glaciales de Système Solaire comme Europe, Enceladus et le Triton; planètes naines Pluton et Eris et beaucoup d'autres corps(organismes) de système solaires glacials.

Characteristics and habitability


Ice planets usually appear nearly white with geometric albedos of more than 0.9. An ice planet's surface can be composed of water, methane, ammonia, carbon dioxide (known as "dry ice"), carbon monoxide, or other volatiles, depending on its surface temperature. Ice planets would have surface temperatures below 260 K if composed primarily of water, below 180 K if primarily composed of CO2 and ammonia, and below 80 K if composed primarily of methane.

Ice planets are usually hostile to life as we know it because they are very cold, at least on the surface. Many ice planets may have subsurface oceans, warmed by their cores or tidal forces from another nearby body, specifically gas giants. Liquid subsurface water would provide habitable conditions for life, including fish, plankton, and microorganisms. Subsurface plants and microorganisms would not perform photosynthesis because sunlight is blocked by overlying ice; instead they produce nutrients using specific chemicals called chemosynthesis. Some worlds, if conditions are right, may have significant atmospheres and surface liquids like Saturn's moon Titan which could be habitable for exotic life forms.

Pluto and candidates

OGLE-2005-BLG-390Lb is likely an ice planet

Although there are many icy objects in the Solar System, there are no known ice planets (though Pluto was considered an ice planet until its reclassification in 2006).[1] There are several extrasolar ice planet candidates, including OGLE-2005-BLG-390Lb, OGLE-2013-BLG-0341L b and MOA-2007-BLG-192Lb.

See also



  1. Alan Stern et Jacqueline Mitton, « Pluto and Charon : ice worlds on the ragged edge of the solar system », Weinheim: Wiley-VCH, (consulté le )

{{exoplanet}} [[Category:Types of planet]] [[Category:Terrestrial planets|*]] [[Category:Astronomical bodies with possible subsurface oceans|*]]