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lrcRCLimit       = 30;      // LiveRC default RC list size;
lrcPreviewHeight = '250px'; // LiveRC default preview window height;
lrcAutoCloseDiff = 0;       // LiveRC default Diff behaviour;
lrcTZ            = '';      // Default time zone (+02:00, 02:00, -0200, -05:45, ...)
// LiveRC default template use;
// ////////////////////////////
lstAvert = [
  { template: "Test 0"              , string: "Test 0"    , hasPage: false },
  { template: "Test 1"              , string: "Test 1"    , hasPage: false },
  { template: "Test 2"              , string: "Test 2"    , hasPage: false },
  { template: "Test 3"              , string: "Test 3"    , hasPage: false },
  { template: "Vandalisme"          , string: "Vandal"    , hasPage: true  }
// LiveRC default values for checkboxes
lrcShowBotChecked   = 'checked';   // change to 'checked' to show only IPs by default
lrcShowIPChecked   = '';   // change to 'checked' to show only IPs by default
lrcShowIPNEWChecked   = '';   // change to 'checked' to show only IPs and non-patrolled by default (sysops only)
lrcShowRCChecked   = 'checked';   // change to 'checked' to hide recent changes by default
lrcShowLogChecked   = '';   // change to 'checked' to show logs by default
lrcShowFilterChecked   = '';   // change to 'checked' to show filters by default
//Follow users :
lstContact.push(' ');