Utilisateur:Caristo 2/Rochechouart crater

The crater of Rochechouard-Chassenon (between Haute-Vienne and Charente county in France), also called the meteorite of Rochechouart, is the consequence of the impact of an asteroïd fallen on Earth approximately 214 million years ago. This asteroid of one kilometer and half of diameter struck the Earth at a speed of approximately 20 kilometers a second, on the locality of Judie, in the commune of Pressignac in Charente. It leaves a crater at least 21 kilometers in diameter, devastates very with more than 100 kilometers to the round (of ejected fall down to more than 450 kilometers of the point of impact), and modifies the rocks of the basement on more than 5 kilometers of depth.

Today, erosion completely erased any trace in the relief and only the light turning of Vienne river towards the south on Chassenon could be allotted to him. On the other hand, the basement preserves many fractured rocks, melted, stirred up, that one calls the breccias. These breccias will be used for the construction of the Gallo-Roman monuments, like the thermal baths of Chassenon and of the dwellings which will follow one another during ages.

It is only into 1969 that François Kraut geologist with the National Museum of Natutral History (MNHN), shows finally the origin meteoritic of these rocks remained mysterious since their first scientific analysis at the beginning of the XIXe century.

Discovered crater


The origin of these breccias was prone to controversy as soon as the geologists were interested in them. In 1808, the prefect of Haute-Vienne publishes in the general Statistics of France: county of Haute-Vienne a passage concerning these unknown rocks recently discovered by François Alluaud, a porcelain manufacturer of Limoges: “Primitive breccias. One gives this denomination to an aggregate which occupies, in the commune of Rochechouart, close to a myriameter of extent. The discovery of this breccia is new, and the mineralogists who observed it do not agree on its nature; ones taken its for artificial cement, others for a volcanic product.


One believed to have to describe, with some details, an unknown rock so far. It is only recently that Mr. Alluaud, who had detached from them some samples of the tombs of the Abbey of Saint-Martial of Limoges, and which was unaware of the layer of it, cleared up this geological fact. ”

In 1833, William Manès (1798-1881) gives them a volcanic origin; in 1858, Henri Coquand (1818-1894) allots a sedimentary origin to them; in 1910, the Glassmaker and Glangeaud indicate the existence of an old volcanic area; in 1935, François Kraut tries to show a volcanogenic origin. In 1967, it hesitates between a volcanic origin or impactite, but its joint research with the American geologists B. French, NR. Shorts and K. and B. Fredricksson between 1968 and 1969 enables him to take a decision definitively for an origin impactite.

The conditions of discovered cones of percussion (shatter cones) are told below by Becky Fredriksson . This voyage had been organized about 1968-1969 on the initiative of François Kraut. It had invited Eugene Raguin of the School of the Mines, as well as the American scientists Bevan French and Kurt and Becky Fredriksson.

“We had been with him (François Kraut) previously in France At Rochechouart, looking for rocks with shatter cones, has most educational field trip and gastronomic have well. (...) At the end of our trip looking for shatter cones we were very discouraged, goal made one more stop. And, veiled! François was standing alongside has wall, when we all turned and immediately saw the shatter cones in the wall! So we had been looking At country rocks instead of houses and fences! We all had has good laugh. ”

With this discovery, François Kraut had finally the certainty that the origin of the enigmatic rocks of the area was the consequence of a meteoritic impact.

This discovery will be then confirmed in 1972 by E. Raguin. Then in 1974, Philippe Lambert will more precisely determine the influence of the crater on the ground.

The crater


The energy released by the impact was enormous and the crater made approximately 19 to 23 kilometers in diameter (the diameter as well as the depth remain open subjects). No fragment of the meteorite remained: it completely vaporized under the violence of the impact. But the terrestrial rocks were completely reorganized. Some were vaporized, others disaggregated or projected with more than 400 kilometers from there, others finally, in basement, were compressed, fractured or shocked. The unit recombined, cooled, and formed what the geologists call the “breccias of Rochechouart ” since the beginning of the XIXe century.

These breccias are the only still visible relics of the event on the surface. Their nature varies according to their proximity of the center of the impact.

Some consist of vitrified rocks in which one finds inclusions gas (close to Babaudus), their appearance makes believe in a volcanic origin. This type of rock was formed at a temperature higher than 3000° C and with a pressure of more than 600 000 bars.

Others contain fragments of the rock of the crystalline base of the area, dependent between them by a kind of cement. The fragments have varied sizes, of a few millimetres to several meters. Cement is known as “clastic”, i.e. it is composed of the agglomeration of dust and the fine remains resulting from the impact. The temperature and time bound these elements between them to form a rather solid rock. Many dwellings and monuments use this rock as element of manufacture. Between these two extremes, one finds a whole variety of rocks whose composition is rich in iron and nickel. The contents of these metals are abnormally high compared to the composition of the subjacent ground, those thus come most probably from the meteorite itself.

To realize of dimensions of the crater, here the list of the cities which are currently in its influence (centered on Judie, commune of Pressignac in Charente):

with less than 5 km of the center of the crater: Pressignac(16), Chassenon (16), Rochechouart (87) and Videix (87);

from 5 to 10 km of the center: Chabanais (16), Saillat-sur-Vienne (87), Chéronnac (87), Verneuil (16), Etagnac (16), Vayres (87), Saint-Quentin-sur-Charente (16), and Chaillac-sur-Vienne (87);

of 10 km to the edge: Massignac (16), Exideuil (16), Lésignac-Durand (16), Suris (16), Les Salles-Lavauguyon (87), Saint-Bazile(87), Chabrac (16), Saint-Junien (87), Mouzon (16) and Oradour-sur-Vayres (87).

In 1999, INSEE counted 26 661 people living in the crater.

what could the crater resemble?


That made very a long time that the crater disappeared from the relief, erosion having made its work since 214 million years.

Its diameter


Erosion has almost unobtrusive all the traces of the event. There at most remains only one deep layer of a hundred mêtres of breccias from which he is possible to have an idea of the size of the crater by comparison with other better preserved craters. Officially, Earth Impact Database allots 23 kilometers, but of their opinion, this value must be revalued. Despite everything, calculation is very dubious:

1.Philippe Lambert shows a diameter from 20 to 25 km in his thesis from 1977;

2.From work of Collins, one can estimate according to the extension of the cataclases raised by Philippe Lambert a diameter from 17 to 19 km;

3.Always according to Philippe Lambert and by considering work of Anne Therriault on the impact of Vredefort relative to the extension of the shocked quartzs, the diameter would be included/understood between 20 and 24 km. It should be noted that the statements of Philippe Lambert were disputed by François Kraut, the conclusions carried out starting from these data are thus to take with precaution. At all events, starting from various listed values above, one can consider a diameter realistic between 19 and 23 km, is approximately 21 kilometers.

Its form


It is possible to have an idea of its form by analogies with the craters of Ries (Germany, Ø 24 km, age 15 My) and of Boltysh (Ukraine, Ø 24 km, age 65 My) which are rather well preserved and similar in the face with that of Rochechouart-Chassenon.

The first, very recent since it has only 15 million years, especially makes it possible to have an idea in the way in which ejected them and tektites dispersed. One finds some with more than 450 kilometers of Ries.

The second, older was trained on a basement almost identical to that of the Limousin: gneiss and granite. He is now hidden under sedimentary deposits which one preserved erosion. The seismological studies made it possible to include/understand its relief well.

These two craters present a central peak whose genesis is illustrated by animation above. Although the presence of the peak is extremely probable, it is not known yet if the crater of Rochechouart into present one.

The breccias


Under the breccias term are grouped the rocks of the terrestrial base which were modified by the power of the impact. They thus are not fragments of the meteorite it even.

One distinguishes three types of breccias.

polygenic breccias of repercussions (allochtones)


These rocks consist of a more or less heterogeneous mixture of fragments of the rocks of the base, bound between them by cement vitreous or made up of compacted dust (by heat, the pressure or time).

The nature and the morphology of these breccias strongly vary according to the distance to the center of the impact, of the stacking of the layers of breach and the nature of the basement. In general, more one approaches the center, more the breccias show a strong rate of fusion. The gallery of images Ci below shows various samples of polygenic breach of repercussions.

The breccias of the Babaudus type are breccias atvery strong rate of fusion. The nonmolten fragments that they contain sometimes very small and are consisted of the least fusible rocks (of quartz essentiellent). Their vitreous matrix often contains vacuoles. The yellow breccias of Babaudus are almost made up only of glass. These breccias are very rich in potash and contain 40 times more nickel than the rocks of the base from which they result. This nickel come undoubtedly from the meteorite. Enrichment out of potash was probably caused by the hydrothermal phenomena which followed the impact. One meets these breccias in the area of Babaudus, located at the center of the impact. The breccias of Valette are of this type.

The breccias of the type Chassenon (suévite green) contain some matters vitreous of characteristic green colouring. The largest fragments of rock make a few centimetre of size. One finds them with the top of the breccias of the Rochechouart type what makes it possible to conclude that they are the last repercussions of the plume of the impact. A career exploited this rock.

The breccias of the type Montoume (suévite red) are localised in the hills of Montoume where some careers exploited this hard and coloured stone. They directly cover the base or the breccias with Rochechouart and are very rich in fragments of glass. The intense red color is due to a very strong content of iron probably resulting from the meteorite. These breccias contain sometimes masses noirâtres of manganese oxide, element him also coming from the meteorite. Montoume being very excentré in the crater, the genesis of this layer of breccias remains for the moment not elucidated.

The breccias of the Rochechouart type are localised in a radius of 5 to 8 km around the center of the crater. They consist of fragments of rock of the base of a few millimetres to a few meters in diameter, bound between them by clastic cement made up of dust compacted by the pressure, the temperature and time. They do not contain (or very little) of vitreous matter. The rock piton close to the castle of Rochechouart consists of these breccias. Their appearance resembles the concrete. They constitute the major part of the breccias of the impact and of very many buildings of the area are built with these stones.

monogenic breccias of dislocation (autochtones)


These breccias are made up of rocks of the base which were little, or, not moved, from where their indigenous terminology. The fragments are connected between them by cement made up of the same molten rock or dust of this same finely crushed rock.

The cataclases (or cataclasites) as well as pseudo-tachylites belong to this family of breccias.

hydrothermal breccias


The hydrothermal breccias are not the direct consequence of the impact. As the preceding breccias put several thousands of years to be cooled it is formed a hydrothermal system. The water infiltrated in the basement circulates in the hot rocks, grows rich in their biogenic salts which settle then in the cracks by which water passes.

The basement


If surface were covered with the remains and the melted rocks, the basement was not saved. The shock wave caused four major disorders, shocked quartz, the cones of percussion, the cataclases and pseudo-tachylites.

Shocked quartz


Under a certain lighting and with high magnification (x1000) the shocked quartz crystals present scratches which one does not find in nature. They are the consequence of the shock wave associated with an extreme variation with pressure and temperature.

The polygenic breccias can contain shocked quartz.

Only the meteoritic impacts and the nuclear explosions provide enough energy and in an enough short time to induce such defects in the structure of quartz.

The case of the quartz of Saint-Paul-la-Roche


The monoclivé quartz of Saint-Paul-la-Roche present of cleavages similar to the scratches of shocked quartz, but the scale is millimetre-length and nonmicrometric. Studies showed that the genesis of this type of quartz was purely tectonic and have nothing to dohad nothing to do with a meteoritic impact. One in particular discovered in Cassongue in Angola another cleaved quartz seam whereas no meteoritic impact was detected there. The proximity of the seam of Saint-Paul-la-Roche with the crater of Rochechouart-Chassenon is purely fortuitous.

It is however by studying this layer into 1952 that François Kraut took again his research on the brêches of Rochechouart which it had already observed between 1932 and 1937. There remained persuaded a long time that the origin of this particular quartz was related to the impact.

Cones of percussion


Cones of percussion in let us moëllons of a wall with Rochechouart They are formed on a centimetric scale in the compact and homogeneous rocks of the deep basement. It is the shock wave which causes these defects in the rock. The largest cones of percussion make 15 to 20 centimetres length, those presented in the photograph make only a few centimetres.

The polygenic breccias can contain cones of percussion generated by the shock wave of the impact before the dislocation of the base does not project them in the air.

There too, only the meteoritic impacts and the nuclear explosions provide the conditions necessary to their formation.



They translate the effect of the shock at a certain distance from the impact, in the few kilometers outside the crater of impact. The ground trembled and surfaces some the levelling rock fissured. The cracks developed in a quite particular way in decametric network. The same structure is noticed in the deep layers, shaken by the impact but not with the point to form cones of percussion or quartz shocked. One meets also this type of cracks in the seismic and volcanic zones. The cataclases can be classified in the category of the monogenic breccias of dislocation.



They are caused by the fusion of the rocks under the effect of the friction in the faults generated by the impact. The rock takes the aspect of a vitreous mass along the fault. The volcanic seisms and explosions can induce the same disorders. Pseudo-tachylites can be classified in the category of the monogenic breccias of dislocation.

The asteroid


Natural and composition


In 1976-1977, Janssens analyzes the platinum content of the breccias and concludes that the meteorite was of ferrous type (IIA). In 1980, Horn and El Goresi choose a meteorite chondritic by analyzing microphone-spherules trapped in cracks at the point of the impact, nature confirmed in 2000 by Shukolyukov and Lugmair on the basis of Chromium content. In 2003, Tagle and Stöffler refine the assumptions and conclude in a nonmagmatic meteorite of the type “ferrous” (IIE). Work of Horn and El Goresy enabled them to conclude that the content (in mass) of metals was to be iron 73%, 17% from chromium, nickel 8% and cobalt 2%. Knowing that chondrites in general consist of iron 25%, and while supposing that the density of the rock without its metals is 2 800 kg/m ³ (what is the average density of the old rocks on Earth), one can deduce from it that the density of the meteorite of Rochechouart was about 3 350 kg/m ³. This value is in agreement with the densities of the chondrite fragments which one finds on Earth (D = 3 400 ± 170 kg/m ³) and compatible with the conclusion of Tagle and Stöffler.

The nature of this meteorite gives an idea of its source: the belt of asteroids, located between Mars and Jupiter which contains many asteroids whose total mass does not exceed 10% of the mass of Mars, but of which largest make nevertheless more than 500 kilometers in diameter. After being taken down of their “waiting room” under the effect of the Jupiter movements, they orbit around the Sun and their trajectory can cross that of the Earth. Their impact speed then lies between 11 and 23 km/s.

The determination of the size of the asteroid is very random. The size depends not only on its properties (nature, density, speed, angle of impact), but also on the theories whose results strongly diverge.

To date, three tools are available to estimate the size of the meteorites. They apply 5 different theories:

1.(en) Earth Impact Effects Program

(Collins, Melosh and Marcus, 2005). It is founded on work of Holsapple and Schmidt (1982), of Schmidt and Housen (1987), and of Gault (1974) as well as many nuclear experiments, explosive, and tests laboratories or by simulations. It is the most recent method of calculation. The formulas are detailed in the page impact's crater.

2.(en) Tekon Crater

(Melosh and Bayer, 1989, 1997, 1999), older, this calculation programme gives access to the results of three different methods: Pi scaling

3.Yield scaling, estimates the size starting from considerations of conservation of energy, it gives the low limit of the diameter

4.Gault scaling, according to Gault (1974)

5.(en) The crater estimator: craters from explosive and impact (Holsapple, Schmidt and Housen, 2003), this theory gives the high limit of the diameter of the meteorite. For calculations, the following data were retained: nature of the meteorite: monobloc; density: 3 350 kg/m3; speed: from 11 to 23 km/s; angle of impact: 45 °; ground with the impact: crystalline rock (granite, gneiss and leptinite), average density of 2 750 kg/m3; diameter of the final crater: 21 km. If one sticks with the most recent theory, and an average impact speed of 17 km/s, the diameter is approximately equal to 1 500 meters. One can thus reasonably conclude that the meteorite made approximately 1,5 kilometer diameter.

consequences of the impact


The module of calculation Earth Impact Effects Program quoted above makes it possible to evaluate the devastators effects of the impact.

Environmental effects of the impact (Tableau)

Any life was destroyed in less than 5 minutes in a radius of 100 kilometers. Fauna and the flora were very strongly affected to beyond up to 300 kilometers of the impact.

Dating of the impact


In 1971, Kraut and Hartung consider an age ranging between 146 and 181 million years with a method of dating Potassium-Argon (K-Ar). The same year, Pohl and Stöffler analyze the paleomagnetism and indicate an age located at the end of Sorted (i.e. more than 200 million years). Lambert in 1974 uses the method K-Ar again and arrives at 165 ± 5 million years. The following year, Wagner and Storzer analyze the traces of fission and go back the impact between 173 and 245 million to years. In 1987, Reimold and Oskiersky calculate an age of 186 ± 8 million years with the method Rb-Sr. In 1997, Spray and Kelley use the Ar40-Ar39 method and go back the age with 214 ± 8 million to years.

This last method of the dating, famous most reliable, now seems to make consensus in the scientific community. It locates the impact at the end of Trias, more particularly between the stages of Carnien and Norien.

At that time, the climate was hot. The average temperature on Earth was then of 22°C whereas it is only of 13°C today. France was partly immersed in the Thétis ocean. The Alps and the Pyrenees did not exist yet and these last in particular, were the seat of an intense volcanic activity. The fauna of the time was consisted of the ancestors of the dinosaurs whose advent was to arrive at the Jurassic one.

Tha Atlantic Ocean just began to open. The Limousin was out of water and the impact took place in an area located in edge of the coast. According to the date specifies to which the meteorite fell, the area of Rochechouart was in water or on ground… but it seems that the impact took place on ground because no marine or sedimentary remains could - to date - be found in the breccias.

unsolved Assumptions


A fragmented meteorite


According to P. Lambert in 1982, the crater of Rochechouart-Chassenon has an atypical form. Indeed, it notices that:

the crater would be very flat, the variations of altitude being about ± 50 meters;

there is no notable central peak, as opposed to what one observes in Ries and Boltysh;

the layers of various breccias do not overlap inevitably according to the stacking envisaged by the theories; one finds several zones having sudden extreme efforts, they sometimes distant from/to each other and are surrounded by less zones of efforts.

One can add that:

in Babaudus, Chassenon, and Montoume, for example, the breccias contain radically different contents of metals. These indices militate in favour of the impact of several blocks of natures and various sizes falling the ones with with dimensions from the others, the craters of the ones covering those with the others. The studies of Gault and Schutz in 1983-1985 show that a simultaneous impact of dispersed objects causes a crater much more levelled than the impact of the same mass in only one block.

Moreover, the observation and the recent analysis of the asteroids which are in the belt of asteroids between Mars and Jupiter show that indeed the majority of the asteroids of more than 400-500 meters diameter consist of an agglomeration of blocks of sizes and natures varied, fruits of the shocks between them since more than 4,55 billion years, age of the solar system. According to work's of Bottke and Durda in 2005, an asteroid of the size of that of Rochechouart-Chassenon would have undergone a collision with an asteroid of 500 meters or more all the 200 million years, that is to say at least a score of collisions since the formation of the solar system, which reinforces even more the assumption of a heterogeneous meteorite.

The catena Rochechouart-Manicouagan-Saint-Martin


After having gone back the impact to Rochechouart-Chassenon to 214 million years, Spray, Kelley and Rowley noticed that other impacts had taken place at the same time (with the error bands near):

Manicouagan, Canada (214 ± 1 My, Ø 100 km)

Rochechouart-Chassenon (214 ± 8 My, Ø 22 km)

Saint-Martin, Canada (219 ± 32 My, Ø 40 km)

By deferring these impacts on a chart representing the terrestrial sphere at that time, they noted that they were on the same paléolatitude of 22°8' in the northern hemisphere

They could be formed at the same time by the fall of a whole of asteroids, of which the blocks would have fallen the ones behind the others forming a chain, or a catena, a little like the fragments of the comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 on Jupiter in July 1994.

Other craters would be can be related to this catena:

Red-Wing, the USA (200 ± 25 My, Ø 9 km)

Obolon, Ukraine (215 ± 25 My, Ø 15 km)

Puchezh-Katunki, Tadjikistan (220 ± 10 My, Ø 80 km)

Kursk, Russia (250 ± 80 My, Ø 6 km)

Wells-Creek, the USA (200 ± 100 My, Ø 14 km)

The dating of the last three is very dubious, which makes it possible to doubt their participation in this catena.

Association Pierre de Lune is in load of the monitoring of the geological inheritance of the crater and the animation of Space Meteorite Paul Pellas in Rochechouart. All the studies must be undertaken preferably in partnership with the association which, by its knowledge of the places, makes it possible to facilitate the accesses. The site is in the course of classification in geological national reserve and was classified European Geopark and was recorded under the curious name Astroblème Châtaigneraie Limousine.

All that results in practice in the prohibition of any mineralogical taking away without preliminary authorization to obtain from the Regional delegation to research and technology of the Limousin (DRRT) and the Regional management of environment (DIREN) of the Limousin.

Notes et références


1. Bien qu'il soit effectivement celui qui a le premier découvert l'origine de ces roches, il n'aurait pu conforter ses conclusions sans l'aide apportée par les scientifiques américains B. M. French, K. Fredriksson, N. Short et les scientifiques allemands W. Weiskirchner et W. von Engelhardt.

2.M.L. Texier-Olivier : Statistique générale de la France : département de la Haute-Vienne, imprim. Testu, Paris, 1808, p28-29 Gallica.

3. W. Manès : Description géologique et industrielle du département de la Haute-Vienne (Chalon-sur-Saône),éd. Ducourtieux à Limoges, 1833.

4. Ph. Glangeaud : Bulletins des Services de la carte Géologique, vol 20, 1910, p. 93.

5. F. Kraut : Comptes rendus de l'Académie des Sciences, 1935, note de la séance du 8 juillet, p 221-223, Gallica.

6. Communication de Becky Fredriksson, 27 juin 2006

7. E. Raguin, Les impactites de Rochechouart (Haute-Vienne), leur substratum critallophyllien, Bureau de Recherches Geologiques et Minieres (B.R.G.M.) Bulletin, Serie 2, v. 3, pp. 1-8, 1972

8. P. Lambert, Thèse de doctorat de 3e cycle en pétrographie : La structure d'impact de météorite géante de Rochechouart, soutenue le 28 juin 1974 à l'université Paris-Sud, centre d'Orsay, sous la présidence de R. Brousse, examinateur : J. Mercier, invités : Z. Johan, F. Kraut, E. Raguin

9. Origine du nom Rochechouart : ceux qui voient dans « Rochechouart » une référence à la météorite se trompent. Il est vrai que la confusion est aisée (roche + choir) mais en fait, le nom de la ville est formé de deux éléments d'origine latine ultérieurement francisés, Roca, qui désigne un site naturellement défensif, et Cavardus du nom du seigneur qui a aménagé la place fortifiée aux environs de l'an 1000.

10. Collins G.S., Melosh H.J., B.A. Ivanov (2003) : “Modeling damage and deformation in impact simulations”, Meteoritics & Planetary Science 39, Nr 2, 217–231

11. Lettre de F. Kraut à B. French, Paris, 23-12-1976

12. Ph. Lambert, thèse de doctorat, Orsay, 1974

13. Lettre de F. Kraut à B. French, Paris, 2 mai 1968

14. (en) Janssens, Marie-Josée; Hertogen, Jan; Takahasti, H.; Anders, Edward; Lambert, Philippe , Rochechouart Meteoritic Material in the Rochechouart Crater, and the prevalence of irons among crater-forming meteorites, Abstracts of Papers Presented to the Symposium on Planetary Cratering Mechanics, A Lunar and Planetary Institute Topical Conference held 13-17 September, 1976, at Flagstaff, AZ. Hosted by the U. S. Geological Survey, Geologic Division Branch of Astrogeologic Studies. LPI Contribution 259, published by the Lunar Science Institute, 3303 Nasa Road 1, Houston, TX 77058, 1976, p.62, 1976.

15. (en) Horn, W.; Elgoresy, A. The Rochechouart crater in France: Stony and not an iron meteorite?, Lunar and planetary science XI, P. 468-470. Abstract, march 1980

16.(en) Shukolyukov A. & Lugmair G. W. (2000), Extraterrestrial matter on earth: evidence from the Cr isotopes., Catastraphic Events Conference, 197-198.

17. (en) Tagle, R.; Stöffler, D.; Claeys, P.; Erzinger, J., A non-magmatic iron meteorite as impactor for the Rochechouart crater, 34th Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, March 17-21, 2003, League City, Texas, abstract no.1835.

18. (en) G.S. Collins, H.J. Melosh et R.A. Marcus : Earth impact effects program: A web-based computer program for calculating the regional environmental consequences of a meteoroid impact on Earth, Meteoritics & Planetary Science 40, Nr 6, 817–840 (2005)

19.  (en) Holsapple K. A. et Schmidt R. M. : On the scaling of crater dimensions II—Impact processes., Journal of Geophysical Research, 1982, 87:1849–1870.

20.  (en) Schmidt R. M. et Housen K. R. : Some recent advances in the scaling of impact and explosion cratering, International Journal of Impact Engineering, 1987, 5:543–560.

21.  (en) Gault D. E. : Impact cratering. In A primer in lunar geology, éd. Greeley R. et Shultz P. H., Moffett Field: NASA Ames Research Center., 1974, pp. 137–175

22. (en) H.J. Melosh : Impact Cratering: A Geologic Process", Oxford University Press, New York 1989

23. (en) Holsapple K. A. : The scaling of impact processes in planetary sciences, Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences 21, 1993, 333–373.

24. (en) Wagner, G. A.; Storzer, D., The age of the Rochechouart impact structure, Meteoritics, Vol. 10, p.503, 12/1975.

25. (en) Kelley, Simon P.; Spray, John G., A late Triassic age for the Rochechouart impact structure, France, Meteoritics, vol. 32, pages 629-636, sept. 1997

26. (en) P. Lambert, Rochechouart: a flag crater from a clustered impacts, Meteoritics, Vol. 17, p.240, 12/1982.

27. (en) Schultz, P. H.; Gault, D. E, High-velocity clustered impacts: experimental results, Lunar and planetary science XIV, p. 674-675. Abstract, march 1983.

28. (en) William F. Bottke Jr., Daniel D. Durda, David Nesvorný, Robert Jedicke, Alessandro Morbidelli, David Vokrouhlický, Harold F. Levison Linking the collisional history of the main asteroid belt to its dynamical excitation and depletion, Icarus 179 (2005) 63–94.

29. (en) Spray J. G., Kelley S. P., Rowley D. Evidence for a late Triassic multiple impact event on Earth, 29th Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, March 16-20, 1998, Houston, TX, abstract no. 1806.

30. Certains auteurs annoncent même qu'on ne voit plus aujourd'hui à Rochechouart-Chassenon que le fond d'un cratère bien plus grand, de 200 km (ce qui en aurait fait le troisième plus grand cratère terrestre connu à ce jour). C'est l'hypothèse avancée en 1998 par R. Blanke dans son mémoire de DEUG, soutenu en cela par G. Tamain, à partir de l'observation de photos prises par un satellite Landsat. Ils auraient aussi relevé les traces d'un crater encore plus grand, 300 kilomètres de diamètre, centré sur la commune de Bizeneuille dans l'Allier. Les centres de ces deux cratères sont alignés selon le même axe que les chutes associées à la catena. Ils justifient, par la taille de ces impacts, l'origine des quartz clivés que l'on trouve à Siant-Paul-la-Roche en Dordogne. Faute de moyens scientifiques et financiers, ils n'ont pas pu poursuivre cette étude (entre autre par des analyses de géochimie, des observations au microscope électronique...), et les études se sont arrêtées là (Communication de R. Blanke, les 2 et 6 décembre 2002.). L'étude n'a pas fait l'objet de publication scientifique, même si elle fit l'objet d'un article à sensation dans le périodique Science et avenir (C. Idoux, Découverte en France, dans le Limousin : La plus grande météorite du monde, Sciences & Avenir, no 628, 01/06/1999. Cet article a valu un droit de réponse très virulent de la communauté scientifique, représentée par le professeur Ann Thérriault de la Commission géologique du Canada , Science & Avenir, no 629, juillet 1999). Toutefois, les traces encore visibles dans le Limousin (extension des quartz choqués, anomalies gravimétriques, extension des cataclases, arrangement des brèches, géologie des alentours) conduisent toutes à dire que le cratère faisait environ 20 km de diamètre, mais pas 10 fois plus.

Voir aussi


Géologie du Limousin

Cratère d'impact

François Kraut l'inventeur du crater

Liens externes


Sites relatifs au crater de Rochechouart-Chassenon


(fr) Rochechouart, un site géologique exceptionnel, par Robert Née : très bien documenté

(fr) Association Pierre de lune: elle gère le site géologique de l'crater

(fr) Université de Poitiers: apports à l'étude d'un impact météoritique - l'crater de Rochechouart

(fr) BRGM : Rochechouart : une catastrophe écologique au temps des dinosaures

(en) Ernston Claudin impact structures : The Rochechouart impact structure

Sites généralistes


(en) Earth impact database  : base de données des craters terrestres

(en) Earth impact effects program : calcul des effets d'un impact météoritique (Robert Marcus, H. Jay Melosh, et Gareth Collins)

(en) Crater  : Calcul de la taille du cratère en fonction de celle de la météorite, et vice versa (H. Jay Melosh et Ross A. Beyer)

(en) Crater database and scaling tools  : calcul des caractéristiques d'un impact selon celles de la météorite (Keith Holsapple)

(en) Dessins de la faune du Norien issus des travaux paléontologiques effectués au nord de l’Italie par A. Tintori et S. Renesto.

Category : Asteroid meteorite crater