Utilisateur:Arria Belli/Questionnaire en/ClemRutter

Salut. Je vais commencer ce soir mais utilise un ordinateur et clavier etrange . Patience.

I first came to en:wikipedia in late 2003, and did my first article conversion fr -> en in late 2006. These were mainly geographical articles about parts of France I know. More recently I have started to take whole articles from de: -> en. As I add commons photos I to my target article, I do add them to the source artilce too. If I find an error I will correct. I ususally add material to the target article from printed material and reference heavily- I try to leave both articles in an equivalent state so will transfer references, but do not have the linguistic ability to write grammactically correct fr and de. An intersting article was the Naturism/Nudism article in en. In this work, I sourced from nl, de, fr., but added nothing to these articles.I do not work in a projec t but wander. Yes diagrams need to be translated too- that I do. References usually remain in source, but a true academic will speak at least four languages- or they should start to learn: Yo be finished.....