Analyse de paroles


Propos recueillis ça et là.

  • "Cette chanson qui débute le premier album des RATM expose clairement les idées du groupe. Bombtrack est à la fois une déclaration de leurs futures intentions et une présentation de leur mode opératoire. C'est aussi l'une des chansons où Zack utilise le mieux l'argot et l'accent gangsta."
'The Battle of Los Angeles


Rage Against The Machine offer a view of the oppressed rising up to the oppressor. In "New Millenium Homes" Rage suggest that the new century should be a time for the little guy to fight back, or "rage against the machine" as it were. An apocalyptic tone is taken in "Sleep Now in the Fire", with those very words they suggest that the evil of society will get their punishment in hell. Thus, even though Los Angeles may seem utopic to some, Rage suggest that there's a seedy undercurrent of political corruption that must be dealt with. Thus, through revolution they present a solution to the oppression, hence the "battle". Thus, Rage's millennial vision is for the lower classes to change the times of the future that lies at hand. What do you think...

