Sujet sur Discussion utilisateur:Framawiki/Structured Discussions Archive 1

Amire80 (discutercontributions)

Hi Framawiki,

You are one of the most prolific and helpful technical contributors I know across all wikis, so I wanted to ask you something that may be relevant.

For some time I've been thinking about how could the process of developing templates be simpler, more automatic, and beneficial not only for small wikis, but for all wikis.

I wrote something about it.

Short version: mw:User:Amire80/Global_templates_draft_spec/TLDR

Long version: mw:User:Amire80/Global_templates_draft_spec

Given your experience, your feedback about this idea will be very appreciated. If you also can find the time to translate at least one of these pages into French, it will be even more amazing.


Framawiki (discutercontributions)

Hello Amir, it is indeed a heavy task for which I am happy that someone took the time to take care of it, and I thank you for that! :)

After reading the summary, I am thinking in particular of the integration of infoboxes with WD, which is probably not standardized (known or accepted) by all wikis, and this is the biggest technical difference that would exist between the sites. After a case like this could be handled with a simple Boolean, with or without WD integration enabled. More generally, for the case of infoboxes, I don't know if the very notion of it varies much, especially between large sites and smaller ones.

I'll try to take the time to read the specs and give you feedback, as well as translate some of them.


Amire80 (discutercontributions)

Thank you!

Amire80 (discutercontributions)

In more details about the Wikidata problem you are raising:

My impression is that different wikis indeed have different attitudes towards Wikidata: the French Wikipedia is quite positive about it, the English is quite reluctant, and the Hebrew is somewhere in the middle. There are various opinions in other languages.

As far as I'm concerned, these different attitudes are somewhat unfortunate, but they are not the most important problem. The bigger problems are these:

  • The fact that in a lot of languages where the community is smaller, infoboxes are not implemented at all, let alone infoboxes with Wikidata.
  • The fact that in the communities where infoboxes are implemented, they are implemented differently, making translation and exchange of information much more manual, slow, and difficult than they should be.

There probably are constructive ways to change the negative attitude that some people in some wikis have towards Wikidata, but they are not a priority for me, and they are not in the scope of my proposal.

I believe that this is a workable compromise:

  • The infoboxes' internal code will be the same. (By "internal code" I mean Lua modules and the wiki syntax of templates.)
  • The template names and parameter names can be localized in each language.
  • The values will be pulled from Wikidata by default, but can be overridden locally.
  • This way, when an article is translated you don't have to manually look up parameter names, and everything is copied automatically, but you can change anything you don't like.
  • Also, when in the future Wikidata will have a way to edit values straight from the infobox, it will work the same way in all the languages (at least by default).

I tried to address all of these in the document I've written, specifically in this paragraph:

Sometimes some communities will have strong opinions about wanting to have particular functionality or design that will be different in their language or project, or to show an infobox with information that is different from what is shown in other projects, or not to show it at all. The capability to override things locally must be allowed from the start. (Or rather, it must not be taken away.)

If you disagree, or if you think that this could be written more clearly, please let me know.

Framawiki (discutercontributions)

Thanks for your reply, I'm totally agree with you. If it were to happen it would be a great step forward for the movement, and would free up a lot of time for everyone who is doing it manually today!

Do you want me to forward your request for an opinion or give you contacts of people who do it on frwiki?

Amire80 (discutercontributions)

That would be great, thank you!

And enormous thanks for translating the TLDR!!!

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