Discussion module:Aéroports

Dernier commentaire : il y a 5 ans par Bouzinac dans le sujet Wikidata cleaning

Début sur la wiki Fr


Bonjour Tractopelle-jaune (d · c · b), je commence à adapter ce code écrit en LUA. L'intérêt est d'avoir une seule page de data Module:Aéroports/data (aujourd'hui uniquement bien codé pour wiki EN) à maintenir de façon intuitive, la possibilité d'appeler plusieurs codes aéroports dans un même modèle (et donc aéroports triés alphabétiquement au sein du modèle): Ex Athens-E. Venizelos, Beijing–Capital, Paris–Charles de Gaulle, Tokyo–Narita. Il devrait y avoir possibilité de présenter en format liste si >20 aéroports appelés, par exemple. En revanche, l'inconvénient que je pressens est l'impossibilité d'avoir des liens rouges vers pages étrangères. Exemple, ce serait Aïn Beïda (en) au lieu de Aïn Beïda (en). Avant d'aller plus loin, sur la data et sur le code du modèle (pour rien), qu'en penses-tu sur le principe général ? Bouzinac (discuter) 12 juillet 2018 à 19:51 (CEST)Répondre

Salut Bouzinac,
Merci pour l'information.
C'est une bonne idée de vouloir importer ce module.
Pour les liens vers enwiki, c'est un peu la merde, je sais. La solution de simplicité est évidement de rajouter un en: (comme dans [[:en:Bidule Airport]]). Mais ce n'est pas l'idéal.
Mais il faudrait vraiment que nous arrivions à trouver une solution permettant d'utiliser le modèle {{Lien}}.
Le problème de la syntaxe avec en:, c'est qu'elle est fortement déconseillée dans les articles, comme indiqué dans Aide:Lien interlangue#En wikicode. Et pour avoir déjà suivi de loin certains débats par rapports aux liens interwikis "en dur", il ne sont vraiment pas très aimés. On peut être sur que quelqu'un relèvera ce problème à un moment (ce qui pourrait même entraîner une remise en cause de l'utilisation de ce module par certains).
Si ce problème me préoccupe autant, c'est que j'aimerais que l'on évite que ce modèle induise une dégradation par rapport à la situation du modèle actuel.
Je ne connais malheureusement pas le Lua, mais je maîtrise d'autres langages de programmation comme le C/C++ ou le PHP (ainsi que les expression régulières), donc j'arriverai peut-être à me débrouiller au moins pour comprendre dans les grandes lignes le fonctionnement du code, tout en m'aidant de la "bible" du Lua pour MediaWiki qui est mw:Extension:Scribunto/Lua_reference_manual/fr.
Je vais vraiment essayer de regarder ça demain (ou sinon ce week-end, si je n'y arrive pas demain) ce que l'on peut faire, et quelles sont les différentes possibilités que l'on peut envisager pour y arriver.
Je ferais aussi sûrement quelques tests.
Dans tous les cas, j'aimerais vraiment que l'on arrive à importer ce truc chez nous, quitte à ce qu'il faille le modifier un peu (après un rapide coup d'oeil, le code du module n'interagit que très peu avec les données de la table (à priori, les interactions principales concernent la création du lien sous forme wikicode, et la fonction de tri, qui utilise une expression régulière, ce qui limite le nombre de point devant éventuellement être modifiés.
--Tractopelle-jaune (discuter) 12 juillet 2018 à 23:29 (CEST)Répondre
J'inclus Trappist the monk (d · c · b) dans la discussion, c'est le principal développeur et il a fait un super boulot. Hi! There are many airports that do not have french wikipage. So we would like them be shown red-linked and not only with their enwikipage. Any tip on how to call Template:Interlanguage link (fr:Lien) in the french module for "IATA and ICAO code", say, if there is a :en: in the airport wikipage ? It would be greatly appreciated and would help other wikilanguages.--Bouzinac (discuter) 13 juillet 2018 à 02:13 (CEST)Répondre
Why use {{Lien}} or anything like it? That template uses {{#ifexist:}} which is an expensive parser function. A large table of airport destinations can quickly consume most of an article's allotment of expensive parser function calls (500). Would it not be better to replace the article name in data table with the wikidata QID for the airport and then fetch the article name from wikidata? If the local wiki (fr.wiki in this case) does not have an article listed at wikidata then the module can fallback to the en.wiki article if there is one, otherwise emit an error message.
For your example, QMH, Q16896254 at wikidata shows that fr.wiki does not have an article but en.wiki does so the module could fall back to a rendering similar to {{Lien}}.
Trappist the monk (discuter) 13 juillet 2018 à 11:36 (CEST)Répondre
I've somewhat managed to reproduce something rendering like {{Lien}}, without calling this template, if the airport is stored ":en:Oum el Bouaghi Airport" ==> Aïn Beïda (en). But it is fragile because, indeed, Wikidata would be useful. I thought that Wikidata was forbidden to produce text inside pages (but OK in infobox) ? If wikidata inside pages was allowed, it then would be a sparql query (which QID element has IATA code : XXX ? https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Request_a_query/Archive/2018/06#Look_after_an_IATA_or_ICAO_code . And the sparql does not look to be very time responsive. --Bouzinac (discuter) 13 juillet 2018 à 12:00 (CEST)Répondre
@Trappist the monk Hello,
In fact, I was not talking about executing {{Lien}} at each link (it's actually too heavy).
But rather get an operation close to our {{Aéroport}} template (with its sub-templates table like {{Aéroport A}}).
In this template, the links are coded in wikicode in the form [[frwiki airport page|city name]] or {{Lien|langue=en|trad=enwiki airport page|fr=frwiki airport redlink page|texte=city name}}, allowing more possibilities.
I tried to reproduce a freer variant with two sandboxes Module:Aéroports/Bac à sable and Module:Aéroports/data/Bac à sable.
I converted the data table (with regular expressions on Notepad++ to convert all rows in the table) to the new syntax with wikicode.
And I applied some modifications to the module to directly insert the contents of the table, and modified the sorting function so that the sort is always functional regardless of the variant.
I have not checked yet whether everything is working properly, we still have to test.
But it's just to get an idea of ​​what this might give.
I really know Lua very badly, so it's not necessarily the best way I've used it. I had to add a call to frame:preprocess() to execute the wikicode of the eventual templates included
(sorry for my bad english)
@Bouzinac : J'ai créé deux modules bac à sable, Module:Aéroports/Bac à sable et Module:Aéroports/data/Bac à sable, dans lesquels j'ai fait un changement radical dans le principe de fonctionnement des liens.
Au lieu d'avoir deux colonnes dans la table data, j'ai fusionné en une colonne contenant dejà le wikicode, ce qui permet d'utiliser les mêmes possibilités que notre actuel modèle {{Aéroport}} en terme de codage des liens.
Et le module récupère directement le lien sous cette forme.
J'ai aussi modifié la fonction de tri alphabétique pour quelle supporte les deux variantes (dans le cas d'un {{Lien}}, elle utilise la valeur du champ |texte= comme clé de tri.
Ça reste encore à perfectionner, je ne sais pas si c'est la meilleure variante, mais en tout cas, c'est une possibilité.
Pour la conversion de la table, je l'ai fait à l'arrache dans Notepad++ avec les expressions régulières suivantes (en rechercher/remplacer)
  1. Recherche : ^(\{'.*?', *'.*?', *'.*?', *'.*?', *')(.*?)', *'(.*?)('\},)$ --> remplacement : $1[[$2|$3]]$4 (pour toutes les entrées)
  2. Recherche : \[\[\| --> remplacement : [[UNDEFINED| (pour celles dont le champ page était vide, ce n'est pas une solution à laisser, mais pour des tests, c'est acceptable).
Je me suis aidé de plusieurs documentations, comme par exemple :
Qu'en pense-tu Bouzinac ?, est ce que cela te parait une bonne idée ?
Si jamais, j'ignore si tu maîtrise les expressions régulières, si ce n'est pas le cas, n'hésite pas à me demander pour appliquer des modification en masse sur la table (comme je l'ai fait), ou pour importer le contenu actuel de tous nos sous-modèles Aéroport dans la table (avec quelques expressions régulières dans un script PHP).
--Tractopelle-jaune (discuter) 13 juillet 2018 à 15:04 (CEST)Répondre
Le résultat est visible ici : Module:Aéroports#Bac_à_sable_2 (j'ai modifié la documentation Module:Aéroports/Documentation pour remplacer dans la dernière section « Bac à sable » les appels sandbox vers mes deux bac à sable. Et j'ai ajouté sur une des entrées (BGY) de la table Module:Aéroports/data/Bac à sable pour mettre un modèle {{Lien}}.
(edit conflict)
Forbidden by whom? I don't pay much attention to policy discussions but I did find this rfc at en.wiki which closed with more-or-less no consensus. Since we would be using wikidata to construct links to article pages, I'm not sure that there is much of an issue.
There is a Lua library of functions that can be used to fetch data from wikidata. It's quite quick. Paste this into a module debug console and it will return the en.wiki article name for QMH:
=mw.wikibase.getEntity ('Q16896254'):getSitelink ('enwiki')
But, alas, each call like this into wikidata is expensive. Since these are expensive calls, wikidata may not be much better that calling {{Lien}} so perhaps we should do as you suggest and modify the data tables but have the module create the interwikilinks itself rather than calling {{lien}}. Instead of adding interwiki markup to the article title string, we might add an entry at the end of each table:
{'Africa','Algeria','QMH','DABO','Oum el Bouaghi Airport','Aïn Beïda', 'en'},
if that last item is nil then the module knows to create a single link to the local wiki; if not, it will create a pair of links one to the local wiki and the other to the wiki specified by the language code à la {{Lien}}. One might set a 'global' fall back language code:
local fall_back_wiki = 'en'
you could then write
{'Africa','Algeria','QMH','DABO','Oum el Bouaghi Airport','Aïn Beïda', true},
the module would interpret that as:
[[:en:Oum el Bouaghi Airport|Aïn Beïda]]
If desirable, you might override the fall_back_wiki boolean with a wiki language code to link to some other wiki. I think that this mechanism is easier for editors to maintain because it requires (I think) less effort to edit at the end of a table definition than it does to insert text into a string in the middle of a table definition.
There is a problem with all of the above; you have to maintain the fallback article title in the data table when what you really want is the local article title and somehow also be able to get the fallback article title. So here's a middle ground idea. Because, the data tables will want article names in the local language, 'Aéroport international de Los Angeles' instead of 'Los Angeles International Airport', and because we want to minimize expensive database accesses, and because we want to mimic {{lien}}, we might give the data tables the QID for the airport articles that are not yet present in the local wiki. Example, we might write:
{'Africa','Algeria','QMH','DABO','Aéroport Oum el Bouaghi','Aïn Beïda', 'Q16896254'}, – where 'Aéroport Oum el Bouaghi' or whatever is the fr.wiki's article name
When the table has this form, the module will fetch the fall_back_wiki article name from wikidata use it to create the second of the pair of wikilinks. There may be a lot of QIDs in the /data module, but we won't be calling into wikidata for every airport as we would by using {{lien}} or by going to wikidata for every airport article title. I think that you would lose the some-other-wiki option (which might not work anyway), but perhaps that isn't all that important.
Trappist the monk (discuter) 13 juillet 2018 à 15:57 (CEST)Répondre
Hello Trappist the monk (d · c · b), I understand that you recommend having data shaped like this {'Africa','Algeria','QMH','DABO','Aéroport Oum el Bouaghi','Aïn Beïda', 'Q16896254'},. QMH has no frenchwikipage, so the Lua code would look after enwikipage? It might happen an airport hasn't even en.wikipage but very rare. Is it easy for you to implement the lookup from QID ?
@Tractopelle-jaune, I'm working into an Excel file so that reproducing data in french will be easy. I'll wait to know if QID are needed too, so that I'll query wikidata and populate QID. If you wish so, we can share into an Google sheets, so that we can both work on it online before exporting it into data format. --Bouzinac (discuter) 13 juillet 2018 à 19:48 (CEST)Répondre
Yeah, of all the ideas yet considered, I think that the QID idea is the best fit. Because there is no QMH airport article at fr.wiki, the module would read this:
{'Africa','Algeria','QMH','DABO','Aéroport Oum el Bouaghi','Aïn Beïda', 'Q16896254'},
Because there is a QID, the module would query wikidata for an article at en.wiki. If an en.wiki article is found, the module will create this:
[[Aéroport Oum el Bouaghi|Aïn Beïda]] [[:en:Oum el Bouaghi Airport|<span class="indicateur-langue" title="Équivalent de l’article « Oum el Bouaghi Airport » dans une autre langue">(en)</span>]]
Aïn Beïda (en)
If there is a QID but the QID does not list an en.wiki article, then the module shall emit an error message because something is clearly wrong with the data.
If there is no QID (the normal case), the module assumes that there is an fr.wiki article and renders just like the version at en.wiki.
If you-all think that this meets your needs, let me know and I'll hack the sandbox to see if I can make it work.
Trappist the monk (discuter) 13 juillet 2018 à 20:32 (CEST)Répondre

Case use scenarios


What about this scenario (provided the normal case is to have QID for almost airport codes). I tried to synthetize Trappist's ideas + french language specificities:

  1. Module data default should be like {'Africa','Algeria','QMH','DABO','Aéroport Oum el Bouaghi','Aïn Beïda', 'Q16896254'},
  2. Is there a QID for QMH (Q16896254)?
    1. Look for the frpage from QID,
      1. If fr exists, then get the name of :fr:page via Wikidata [not from the module data-->always up-to-date]
      2. Build the wikilink (frpage from wikidata)|(cityname)
    2. If :fr: nonexists and :en: exists, then get the name of :en:page via Wikidata
    3. If :fr:+:en: nonexists, then get the first languagepage that exists (swedish, turkish etc) via Wikidata
      1. Build the wikilink ('frpage' from module data)|(cityname) + (1 en/sw/tr etc wikilink)
  3. There is no QID for (airport X)
    1. Look for the [module data] frpage
    2. Build the ([module data] frpage)|(cityname)
  4. How many airports codes are in the called module [ex <<Aéroports|RUN|CDG>> = 2 called codes]?
    1. Between 1 and 19 = output as (code1), (code2), (code3), etc with data sorted on cityname
    2. More than 19 = output with data sorted on cityname as :
  • (airport1),
  • (airport2),
  • (airport3),
  • (airport4),
  • (airport5),
  • (airport6),
  • (airport7),
  • (airport8),
  • (airport9),
  • (airport10),
  • (airport11),
  • (airport12),
  • (airport13),
  • (airport14),
  • (airport15),
  • (airport16),
  • (airport17),
  • (airport18),
  • (airport19),
  • (airport20)

I'll build the sandbox2 data for airports with QID. J'espère que ça ne dérangera pas Tractopelle-jaune si l'on reste en anglais. --Bouzinac (discuter) 13 juillet 2018 à 22:50 (CEST)Répondre

As I understand it, the module data are considered to be correct by definition; wikidata may not be correct. The normal case is NO QID. Whatever it is that we do here must, I believe, be backward compatible to en.wiki so that there is only one official version of the code module; keep all differences in the data modules. It would be better if the modules here and the modules at en.wiki had the same names. This will, I think, more easily permit use of this tool in other wikis.
The QID tells the module that there was no local-wiki airport article when the module data were compiled. Make this work first:
If there is a local-wiki airport article name at the wikidata QID:
module renders a single link from the module data → [[module airport article|module Aéroport city]]
module adds a maintenance category so that editors are notified to remove the QID from the module data (because calls into wikidata are expensive and MediaWiki limits the number of expensive calls to 500 per page)
module renders dual link from module data and wikidata: [[module airport article|module airport city]]&nbsp;[[:en:wikidata airport article|<span class="indicateur-langue" title="Équivalent de l’article « wikidata airport article » dans une autre langue">(en)</span>]]
Leave these as future enhancements:
Linking to whatever airport article on whatever wiki may be problematic because of language script differences. If we consider that option, we must take care to handle script direction correctly (Hebrew or Arabic scripts in a Latin-script language wiki must be handled properly)
columns of airports. This was rejected at en.wiki so whatever mechanism we invent to implement that must provide an enable/disable switch.
Trappist the monk (discuter) 14 juillet 2018 à 00:15 (CEST)Répondre
Wow. I thought it was unexpensive, that's why I wished QID be the normal data input to start with. Also, there might happen to change title of article, that's why the lookup via QID would render the current title article.
Then, it makes me think QID will add complexity to maintenance, don't you believe? Most people are "frightened" by wikidata. What about data shaped like this :
{'Afrique','Algérie','QMH','DABO','Oum el Bouaghi Airport','Aïn Beïda', 'en'},,
{'Afrique','Algérie','ORN','DAOO','Aéroport d'Oran - Ahmed Ben Bella','Oran', ' '},,
'en' feeding which wikilanguage to look after with an autmated redlink "Aéroport de [cityname]"
and empty '' telling no external wikilanguage and natural link ? --Bouzinac (discuter) 14 juillet 2018 à 01:39 (CEST)Répondre
I too wish that it was inexpensive to use wikidata in this way – that just seems such an obviously good use of the tool. I described a variant of your example in this post. But, there is a problem that neither of us considered. For the module to work as I think that you and Editor Tractopelle-jaune imagine that it should work, it needs two article names: the name of the non-existent fr.wiki article and the name of the en.wiki article. I imagine that the two of you will create a data module that has as many of the existing fr.wiki airport article names as you can find. For airport codes that have fr.wiki names, QID is not needed and not wanted. For the airport codes that don't have articles you can take prospective article names from templates like {{Aéroport A}}. For these, you will still need en.wiki names so these data tables will require QID so that the module can get the en.wiki article name from wikidata until fr.wiki has its own articles for those codes.
I don't think that the general 'fear' of wikidata should be a hindrance; most editors will never see the internal workings of these modules and if they do, most won't understand Lua and Lua tables so may not even realize that the modules depend upon wikidata.
Trappist the monk (discuter) 14 juillet 2018 à 13:08 (CEST)Répondre
  Trappist the monk et Bouzinac : A possibility to know the name in French of the non-existent articles (but I do not know if it is technically possible ?), was to take the french label in wikidata, which can be added without obligatorily linking an article.
But I do not know much about wikidata, and I do not know if it's possible or not to get the fr label.
(sorry for my bad english)
--Tractopelle-jaune (discuter) 14 juillet 2018 à 13:53 (CEST)Répondre
Do not apologize for your "bad English"; it is better than my non-existent Français.
I think that you want to add the name of a non-existent fr.wiki airport article to wikidata. Maybe you can. Should you? For our case, we want wikidata to give us a link to an existing article at en.wiki. Other users, for their own reasons, expect the same. We should not be contaminating the data that they might want.
Trappist the monk (discuter) 14 juillet 2018 à 14:15 (CEST)Répondre

wikdata support


I have hacked the module and data sandboxen so that the module calls wikidata to get the en.wiki article name when the master table contains a QID:

{{#invoke:Aéroports/Bac à sable|main|qmh|azr}}Adrar, Aïn Beïda (en)

and dating still works with the hack

{{#invoke:Aéroports/Bac à sable|main|qmh: beg 2019-03-03/2020-02-29|azr|df=mdy}}error: invalid date: 2019-03-03

These examples us the first two tables from the /data/sandbox master table:

{'Africa','Algeria','AZR','DAUA','Aéroport d\'Adrar - Touat - Cheikh Sidi Mohamed Belkebir','Adrar'},
{'Africa','Algeria','QMH','DABO','Oum el Bouaghi Airport','Aïn Beïda', 'Q16896254'}, – here the article name should be the prospective fr.wiki article name, not the en.wiki name

Trappist the monk (discuter) 14 juillet 2018 à 16:34 (CEST)Répondre

Prospective FR name for nonexistent articles


Hello, isn't this a false problem, is it ? Can't we simply automatize prospective name like ["Aéroport de "+cityname]. The editor would rename properly after the redlink. --Bouzinac (discuter) 14 juillet 2018 à 18:18 (CEST)Répondre

False problem? No, I don't think so. The problem is real: you do need fr.wiki article names as placeholders until articles with an actual names are created. There may be an existing pattern for some names, as a quick look at the red links in {{Aéroport A}} seems to indicate:
Arapahoe Municipal Airport → Aéroport municipal d'Arapahoe
Alamogordo–White Sands Regional Airport → Aéroport régional d'Alamogordo-White Sands
but that 'pattern' isn't consistent; here, both airfield and airport are translated to aérodrome; one I think is correct, the other is not:
A.P. Hill Army Airfield → Aérodrome militaire A.P. Hill
Hongyuan Airport → Aérodrome d'Hongyuan
I think that there is benefit in automating placeholder article naming because you will gain consistency across the project.
Trappist the monk (discuter) 14 juillet 2018 à 21:10 (CEST)Répondre
OK. So the need for data would be this :
{'Africa','Algeria','AZR','DAUA','Aéroport d\'Adrar - Touat - Cheikh Sidi Mohamed Belkebir','Adrar'},
{'Africa','Algeria','QMH','DABO','Aéroport d\'Aïn Beïda','Aïn Beïda', 'Q16896254'},
No need to place ,'' just after Adrar ? Any tip on finding the Q number for a listing of English title wikipages?
Thank you for your support! --Bouzinac (discuter) 14 juillet 2018 à 23:36 (CEST)Répondre
Yeah. But I think that you should make sure that when the en.wiki airport name uses 'municipal', 'regional', 'international', etc, you should translate those terms to French spelling and word order. This is the same as the apparent pattern in the redlink naming at {{Aéroport A}}.
Because QID is the optional seventh item in an airport code table (index[7]), indexing that location ([7]) either returns a QID string or it returns nil so no need include ,'' or anything else. Note that this will not work:
{'Africa','Algeria',,'ICAO','Aéroport d\'...','City'},
because we use ipairs() to loop through the items in the table to create the IATA and ICAO tables. The ,, will be interpreted as ,nil, and a nil value would terminate the ipairs() loop early. For the last element, we don't care.
In another discussion you linked to a conversation about sparql queries. Perhaps something there might be the answer. I know nothing about sparql, but wonder if it can return a list of airport article QIDs when an airport article exists at en.wiki but does not exist at fr.wiki.
Trappist the monk (discuter) 15 juillet 2018 à 01:28 (CEST)Répondre
Yes, I am working with another user to build a comprehensive list of IATA/ICAO/QID list thanks to sparql. Query currently being refined.

[1]. I'll update a datasandbox with the final result. --Bouzinac (discuter) 16 juillet 2018 à 16:27 (CEST)Répondre

new name


Now that this template and its associated modules are being internationalized here from the original en:Template:IATA and ICAO code at en.wiki, I wonder if we should standardize of a common name; besides, IATA and ICAO code is just too long and cumbersome. Since fr.wiki have already chosen Aéroports, I wonder if that name might be modified to the more generic Aeroports (without diacritics). That would be easier for editors at en.wiki and perhaps other languages. The name is understandable internationally, I think.

Shall we change:

Modèle:Aéroports to Modèle:Aeroports
Module:Aéroports to Module:Aeroports
Module:Aéroports/data to Module:Aeroports/data

Is there a better, more descriptive name? One that better describes what it is that the template does?

Trappist the monk (discuter) 16 juillet 2018 à 14:47 (CEST)Répondre

Aeroports is embarassing and may not be obvious for some non european tongues. Why not simply 'Airports' ? There a no such template/module called "airport" in enwiki. --Bouzinac (discuter) 16 juillet 2018 à 16:30 (CEST)Répondre
'Embarrassing? Why should anyone be embarrassed by 'Aeroports'? Is it because that is the anglicized orthography? I did think about 'airports' but I chose aeroports over airports because the template and modules here are already named aéroports and because there are quite a few languages that translate 'airport' to 'aeroport', 'aeroporto', 'aeropuerto', etc. (see en:wikt:airport#Translations). Still, if aeroports is embarrassing, I have no objection to airports.
Trappist the monk (discuter) 16 juillet 2018 à 17:22 (CEST)Répondre

Wikidata cleaning


Here's a dataset from Wikidata, still to be cleaned. Cleaning in progress inside wikidata so result may change time to time :

SELECT distinct ?item ?itemLabel ?countryLabel ?fr_article ?Wfr ?en_article ?Wen ?iata ?icao WHERE {
  ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q1248784.                     # item must be an instance of an airport, or an instance that is a subclass of an airport
  optional {?item wdt:P17 ?country .                        # ?item may have a country 
           filter not exists {?country pq:P582 [].} }        # ?country that still exists              
  optional {?item p:P238 ?node .                           # item may have a P238 (IATA) node
           ?node ps:P238 ?iata.                            # and the node has a P238 (IATA) value
           filter not exists {?node pq:P582 [].}   }       # but the value is ignored if it has an end-date
  optional {?item wdt:P239 ?icao .                         # item may have a P239 (ICAO) value  
           filter not exists {?icao pq:P582 [].}   }      # P239 that still exists        
  optional {?Wen schema:about ?item;                       # item may have a sitelink
            schema:isPartOf <https://en.wikipedia.org/>;   # the sitelink points to en.wikipedia
            schema:name ?en_article.}                      # and has an article name
  optional {?Wfr schema:about ?item;                       # item may have a sitelink
            schema:isPartOf <https://fr.wikipedia.org/>;   # the sitelink points to fr.wikipedia 
            schema:name ?fr_article.}                      # and has an article name
  minus {?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q695850.}              # exclude items having instances that are military airports & subclasses thereof
  bind(coalesce(?en_article,?fr_article) as ?article)      # create ?article if there is an EN or FR wikipedia article
  filter(bound(?article))                                  # select only if there is an ?article
  bind(coalesce(?iata,?icao) as ?code)                     # create ?code if there is an ICAO or IATA code 
#  filter(bound(?code))                                     # select only if there is an ?code
  minus {?item wdt:P576 [].}                               # remove items with P576 (dissolved, abolished or demolished) as a main property
  minus {?item wdt:P582 [].}                               # remove items with P582 (end date) as a main property
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],fr" } . #this bit gets labels for Qid values

} order by ?countryLabel ?itemLabel

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--Bouzinac (discuter) 19 juillet 2018 à 02:13 (CEST)Répondre

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