Discussion:TEE Cisalpin/À faire

Dernier commentaire : il y a 13 ans par G CHP
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The map http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fichier:TEE_Cisalpin_route_and_electrification.svg is good but it has a small error. I don't know how to modify maps in Wikipedia, so I'm suggesting the correction here:

  • the section from Dijon to Dole should be in blue, not in red; the change of electric current was done by the Cisalpin in the station of Dole, without stopping.

Source: me. I know this for sure, as I've taken the Cisalpin (the RAe version, the only true one!) many times when I was a kid, sometimes even in the pilot's cabin. In Dole, the Cisalpin was lowering its pantograph when entering the station, going through the station on its own inertia, and then raising the pantograph when exiting the station, with the new current.

Exact. Remarque fondée. Voir : Gare de Dole paragraphe : Dole, ancienne gare commutable.--G CHP (d) 3 mars 2011 à 18:22 (CET)Répondre
Nécessaire fait --G CHP (d) 3 mars 2011 à 18:31 (CET)Répondre
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