Discussion:Neith-Hotep/À faire

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- Le mariage supposé avec Narmer semble avoir été infirmé récemment (voir page en anglais ainsi que http://www.egyptabout.com/2016/11/ten-facts-about-king-narmer.html : "Up until 2016, it was believed that Narmer married a princess named Neithhotep “Foremost of Women” in a politically motivated union to help seal the new alliance of Upper and Lower Egypt. Narmer was from Upper Egypt, and it appeared Neithhotep was from Lower Egypt. This marriage, however, has been disproved. Neithhotep was a queen regent and possibly one of Hor-Aha’s wives.") - d'après l'article en anglais il se peut qu'elle ait régné elle-même en tant que pharaon.

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