Discussion:Giulio Rèpaci

Dernier commentaire : il y a 14 ans par Orthographe d'abord! dans le sujet Patronyme
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Dans ce nom de famille italien, l'accent n'est pas obligatoire, mais on l'écrit assez souvent pour indiquer la prononciation correcte. Mais le -e- étant ouvert, l'accent doit être grave, Rèpaci: voir http://www.dizionario.rai.it/poplemma.aspx?lid=20028&r=303924.

J'ai corrigé, mais il faudrait le faire dans le titre aussi (Giulio Rèpaci). Merci de votre aide! Orthographe d'abord! (d) 9 mars 2010 à 03:38 (CET)Répondre

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Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society, 1910

  • (en) Streptobacillus niger gangrænæ pulmonaris, « G. Repaci isolated from a gangrenous lung a streptobacillus which has some morphological resemblance to Streptococcus pneumoniæ. It is easily stained, and is Grampositive. It is an essential anaerobe, and grows only at incubation temperatures. The growth on sugar-agar consists of small circular colonies, at first opaque, but becoming black in about a fortnight. Fluid media are rendered turbid ; the growth is deposited as a whitish sediment. It does not form gas or indol. It does not attack sugars, but glucose is slightly fermented. The cultures exhale a strong putrefactive odour. It is extremely pathogenic to animals. », [p. 222]
  • (en) Bacillus moniliformis, « G. Repaci describes a bacillus, isolated from a case of pulmonary gangrene, which has certain resemblances to B. ramosus Veillon. Morphologically and tinctorially it is somewhat like the bacillus of Loeffler. It is slightly, but definitely motile, and is an essential anaerobe. The colonies are white and opaque with sharp margins. It forms gas, and exhales an aromatic odour. It does not coagulate milk, form indol. or attack white of egg. It reduces glucose energetically. It does not seem to possess striking pathogenic properties. », [p. 361]
  • (en) New Anaerobic Streptococcus, « From a case of gangrene of the lung, G. Repaci has obtained a new streptococcus, to which he has given the name Streptococcus parvulus non liquefaciens. This organism occurs in chains of four to eight individuals ; it is a strict anaerobe, and is Grampositive. It grows on glucose-agar, gelatin and broth, under anaerobic conditions ; gelatin is not liquefied ; in broth culture, the growth is sedimentary. It does not ferment sugars, but milk is coagulated in 24 hours. Inoculation into laboratory animals, does not produce lesions of any importance. It differs from S. amærobius Lewkowicz in its behaviour on gelatin and in milk. Further, it is a true coccus, whereas the organism of Lewkowicz may be lanceolate or bacillary. Micrococcus fatidus, another similar organism, does not grow on gelatin, and can, moreover, be distinguished by the characteristic odour of its cultures, from which the name is derived. », [p. 364-365]

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