Discussion:Chute de Walcher

Dernier commentaire : il y a 3 ans par Herzi Pinki dans le sujet alors messieurs dames
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alors messieurs dames


mon français ne suffit pas, :-) votre Chute de Walcher ne suffit pas aussi.

It is one of the highest waterfalls in Europe: totally famous, totally true, major attraction, near to the road and not true at all. Fake news.

  • The source you are using, https://www.worldwaterfalldatabase.com/index.php/waterfall/Walcherfall-409, states: Status: Unconfirmed This waterfall is likely to exist, but its exact location, stature, and attributes have not yet been determined or confirmed. - how true!
  • a video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7DiX6lZkrQE (I would guess max. 10 meters)
  • images: [1], [2], [3] (nothing falls, only flows)
  • see also the the contour lines which will never give you the 328 meters: [4]
  • furthermore the exaggerated 328 feet in the source have become 328 meters
  • The Schleierfall is on the other side of the valley (47°09'46''N, 12°49'01''E) and the only one marked on amap.at as Schleierfall, although [5] states that the Walcher fall also is called Schleierfall.

best --Herzi Pinki (discuter) 3 juillet 2021 à 18:45 (CEST)Répondre

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