As a funny coincidence, I can make a personal and tiny opinion to the board of Wikipedia. One way to solve the recurring problem is to set membership fee as 10$ per year (payable at any time during the year. Webshots asks for 9$ and it works. Members who can't afford would be allowed to enter Wikipedia.

Second, members/users could give more than 10$ a year for membership if they whish, but without special "services". This would enter in the "account" of donations.

Wikipedia is the best thing internet offers and a sort of publicity would additionnally be set in this form only: Apple is a proud sponser of Wikipedia (ok, Microsoft is as well!!). Hum I should not have made this joke! HP can be as well as Shell or any company.

The only authorized publicity form would be in showing the logo of these companies and moto. For example, Apple would add "Think different", nothing else.

These would become sponsers of wikipedia as well as many organizations: Howard Hugues Medical Institute ( or or for example. In their cases, a link to their site would be provided.

A third way to solve the problem is to enter in the Markets in emitting shares. I bet that Buffet would buy some! You may ask some advice to Buffet himself! or Jobs or Gates.

My name is George Clumsy* and I am an investor, so-called amateur but I benefited of the two last crashes (1997 and 2000) to greatly increase my assets and gains. I used the theory of Chaos and technical analysis as described mostly in the book(s) of Stan Weinstein "Secrets for Profiting in Bull and Bear Markets" copyright Stan Weinstein, 1988. Publ by Business One Irvin-Homewood, Illinois *Is it a nick?

Other explanations are given in freely. (Full membership costs money).

The best way to invest is to avoid making benefits at all cost; To buy low and sell high as indicated by the MACD line which coincides with moments when a stock is going higher or going ( These trends form a cycle, alternating, independantly of the value of the stock). MACD are incredibly accurate.

To prevent big mistakes in stoping investing (going off the market), for at least as long as we don't know why and how we made a mistake. It can be a good practice to take a break when we don't feel well. In these cases, it is necessary to sell stocks.

By the way, I am living near Montréal, Prov of Québec, Canada and i'm french speaking as you noticed. I'm also a writer and used to be a rose breeder. The reason for doing so much is that I have the syndrome of Hasperger, which is the lightest form of autism. Investing and be involved in Sciences is therefore a consequence of the Syndrome.

I hope that my suggestions (which where probably mentioned by someone else) can be helpful to the board of wikipedia and the site of Wikipedia (and the wikis)!

Please, send this note to the treasurer and CEO of Wikipedia. I couldn't find a contact link.

(I cannot give advice concerning how to enter the markets. Dow-Jones, Nasdaq or others would provide information and forms to fill in. Then, a broken prepares the starting emission of the shares and their prices. I would ask Buffet as he is well-known.

The possible problems are abuses. A form of bonds is better. In both cases, the gains in percentage in dividend or interest should be 10% or more because it prevents speculation).

I am sure that you can do the best and will do.


Gilles Gailloux