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Ryo (XYZ) 23 mai 2005 à 14:05 (CEST)Répondre

Welcome (I don't speak german) and thank you for giving the link to your photos in commons for Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon p-e 23 mai 2005 à 14:05 (CEST)Répondre
Merci bien. The photos are not by me, but a woman on SPM, who wants to remain anonymous. So I got the job to load them up ;-) Arne List 24 mai 2005 à 02:32 (CEST)Répondre



Hello. Sorry for danishing these two artists. I've just used what categories I have at hand and I don't like putting my nose into autonomous/regionalist things, even if I know the situation of Foroya thank to stamps. sebjd 22 octobre 2005 à 19:14 (CEST)Répondre

Hi this is no problem. Many people outside the Nordic countries are not so sure, how to handle it, but however, if you meet Faroese people, or better: travel there one day, you will know, that they have own passports and so on. The only thing, which reminds in Denmark, when you are there, are the coins, police uniforms and many products in the supermarket. All other things are different. Arne List 22 octobre 2005 à 19:18 (CEST)Répondre
Other thing : I passed by this afternoon for interwikis. If there is some maintenance/interwikis to do to help, I'll be pleased to do so. sebjd 22 octobre 2005 à 19:23 (CEST)Répondre
I know, and wrote it in the Faroese Wikipedia already. I'm one of the administrators there. :-) Arne List 22 octobre 2005 à 19:26 (CEST)Répondre

Faroese stamps per year


Hello. Be careful to not overflow this pages with pictures of stamps : it may become unviewable depending of the reader's screen display : the phoque-woman at the height of a tunnel stamp for example. sebjd 6 mars 2007 à 15:23 (CET)Répondre

I found back this tool : <br clear="all"> that place the next paragraph after all images. sebjd 6 mars 2007 à 17:37 (CET)Répondre
Ok, sorry ;-) -- sebjd 6 mars 2007 à 17:37 (CET)Répondre