Utilisateur:Sunandwd/Ibn 'Abd al-Barr

Yusuf ibn Abdallah ibn Mohammed ibn Abd al-Barr, Abu Umar al-Namari al-Andalusi al-Qurtubi al-Maliki, communément appelé Ibn Abd-al-Barr (en arabe : ابن عبد البر) [1] était un juge et érudit arabe Maliki du XIe siècle à Lisbonne.[2] Il est décédé le 2 décembre 1071, agé de 93 ans.



Ibn Abd al-Barr est né en 978 et mort en 1071 à Xàtiva en Al-Andalus. [3] [4] Selon Ibn Khallikan, Ibn Abd al-Barr est issu de la tribu arabe de Namr ibn Qasit. [5]

Bien qu'ayant initialement été un adepte de l'école zahirite de jurisprudence musulmane, Ibn Abd al-Barr est ensuite passé à l'école malékite, qui était le code juridique officiellement reconnu de la dynastie omeyyade, sous laquelle il a vécu. Son livre sur les trois grands juristes sunnites Malik ibn Anas, Al-Shafi'i et Abu Hanifa a sensiblement exclu à la fois son ancien mécène Dawud al-Zahiri et Ahmad ibn Hanbal. [6]



Certaines de ses œuvres comprennent :

  • The Comprehensive Compilation of the Names of the Prophet's Companions en arabe : الاستعياب في معرفة الاصحابModèle:Lrm. In it, the author intended to list every person who met Muhammad even once in their life;
  • Jami' Bayan al-'Ilm wa Fadlihi
  • Al-Ajwiba al-Mû`iba ("The Comprehensive Answers");
  • Al-`Aql wal-`Uqalâ' ("Reason and the People of Wisdom");
  • Ash`âr Abî al-`Atâhiya ("The Poems of Abû al-`Atahiya[12]");
  • Al-Bayân fî Tilâwat al-Qur'an ("The Exposition Concerning the Recitation of the Qur'ân");
  • Al-Farâ'id ("The Laws of Inheritance");
  • Al-Iktifâ' fî Qirâ'at Nâfi`in wa Abî `Amrin ("The Contentment in Nâfi` and Abû `Amr's Reading");
  • Al-Inbâh `an Qabâ'il al-Ruwâh ("Drawing Attention to the Nomenclature of the Narrators' Tribes");
  • Al-Insâf fî Asmâ' Allâh ("The Book of Fidelity: On the Names of Allâh");
  • Al-Intiqâ' fî Fadâ'il al-Thalâthat al-A'immat al-Fuqahâ' Mâlik wal-Shâfi`î wa Abî Hanîfa ("The Hand-Picked Excellent Merits of the Three Great Jurisprudent Imâms: Mâlik, Shâfi`î, and Abû Hanîfa"). Shaykh `Abd al-Fattâh Abû Ghudda said the order in the title reflects the precedence of Madîna over Makka and that of Makka over al-Kûfa.
  • Al-Istidhkâr li Madhhab `Ulamâ' al-Amsâr fîmâ Tadammanahu al-Muwatta' min Ma`ânî al-Ra'î wal-Athâr ("The Memorization of the Doctrine of the Scholars of the World Concerning the Juridical Opinions and the Narrations Found in Mâlik's Muwatta'");
  • Jâmi` Bayân al-`Ilmi wa-Fadlihi wamâ Yanbaghî fî Riwâyatihi wa Hamlih ("Compendium Exposing the Nature of Knowledge and Its Immense Merit, and What is Required in the Process of Narrating it and Conveying it");
  • Al-Kâfî fî Madhhab Mâlik ("The Sufficiency in Mâlik's School of Jurisprudence");
  • Al-Kunâ ("The Patronyms");
  • Al-Maghâzî ("The Battles");
  • Al-Qasd wal-Umam fî Nasab al-`Arab wal-`Ajam ("The Endeavors and the Nations: Genealogies of the Arabs and Non-Arabs");
  • Al-Shawâhid fî Ithbât Khabar al-Wâhid ("The Supporting Evidence for Maintaining Lone-Narrator Reports [as a source for legal rulings]");
  • Al-Tamhîd limâ fîl-Muwatta' min al-Ma`ânî wal-Asânîd ("The Facilitation to the Meanings and Chains of Transmission Found in Mâlik's Muwatta'");
  • Al-Taqassî fî Ikhtisâr al-Muwatta' ("The Detailed Study in the Abridgment of the Muwatta'");

Voir également





  1. Jesus' Sayings and Stories in Islamic Literature
  2. Jonathan A.C. Brown, Misquoting Muhammad: The Challenge and Choices of Interpreting the Prophet's Legacy, Oneworld Publications, (ISBN 978-1780744209, lire en ligne), 49
  3. Al-Imam Al-Azam Abu Hanifa
  4. TheSunnipath.PDF
  5. (en) Ibn Khallikan's Biographical Dictionary Translated from the Arabic by Bn. Mac Guckin De Slane: Paris Oriental Translation Fund of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, 1871, , 404 p. (lire en ligne)
  6. Camilla Adang, This Day I have Perfected Your Religion For You: A Zahiri Conception of Religious Authority, pg. 20. Taken from Speaking for Islam: Religious Authorities in Muslim Societies. Ed. Gudrun Krämer and Sabine Schmidtke. Leiden: Brill Publishers, 2006.

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