
Les GIP « CRNH » ont été créés en 1996 en réponse à un appel d’offre du Ministère de la Recherche et de la Technologie qui souhaitait développer en France des pôles d’excellence en Nutrition.

Depuis, ils sont renouvelés tous les 4 à 8 ans et s’élargissent pour accueillir et coordonner de nouvelles équipes de recherche.

Les CRNHs en réponse à un besoin:

•Créer un pôle d’expert en nutrition

•Coordonner et conduire des programmes de recherche multicentriques dans le but de développer les connaissances en nutrition humaine

•Créer une interface entre les laboratoires et les hôpitaux (recherche translationnelle)

•Permettre aux chercheurs d’avoir une approche plus globale

•Répondre à un enjeu de santé publique en apportant des réponses scientifiques aux problèmes liés à la nutrition

The CRNHs goal is to improve the knowledge on the function properties of food, on metabolism and on human physiology, from basic research to the study of behaviours and their impact on health. The French territory is now provided with four CRNH having common tools and complementary scientific skills that allow them to develop multi center programs using their platforms and their specific skills.

Centres de Recherche en Nutrition Humaine
Logo CRNHs
since 1992
Domaine d'activité
Human Nutrition Clinical Research

Nutritional issues are of major importance as populations around the world are considerably changing their diet and lifestyle with large health consequences. Food related-diseases such as obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, malnutrition and cancers are becoming major public health issues. CRNHs is the network of French research centres for human nutrition. CRNHs has the ambition to provide scientific answers to nutrition related health issues by promoting science and accelerating technology transfer to society. CRNHs aims to improve the knowledge on the functional properties of food and particularly its effects on metabolism and on human physiology by developing multi center programs using its platforms and its specific skills. CRNHs contributes to technology transfer between hospital sectors, research laboratories and industries. CRNHs’ expertise, its platforms for clinical exploration, analysis and data processing offer significant opportunities for collaborations. CRNHs develops research programs in nutrition within the framework of national, European and international research programs, working closely with industry partners and researchers worldwide. To advise on strategic development, CRNHs has been endowed with an external scientific advisory board composed of experts from several European.

Carte de France des CRNHshttp://www.crnh.fr/

CRNHs missions


- Create a research pole of experts

- Coordinate and lead multicentric research program to improve the knowledge in human nutrition

- Create a platform between laboratories and hopitals for the translational research

- Answer to public health major issues by giving a scientific answer to the nutrition problem



In France there is now four CRNH having common tools and complementary scientific skills.  

CRNH Ouest:

Logo CRNH Ouest

Target tissues

- Perinatal nutrition

- Brain and enteric nervous system

- Lipids and chronic diseases

- Allergy

CRNH Auvergne:

Logo CRNH Auvergne

Nutrition in elderly and in chronic diseases

- Skeletal Muscle and Bone: sarcopenia and osteoporosis

- Cardiovascular : prevention of metabolic syndrome and atherosclerosis, metabolomics, food metabolome

- Gastro-intestinal: digestive pain, microbiota

- Hormone-dependent cancer: nutrition, breast and prostate cancer

CRNH Ile de France:

Logo CRNH Ile de France

Human dietary behaviour

- Nutritional Epidemiology and cohorts, food economy

- Adipose tissue

- Cardiovascular

- Gastro-intestinal

- Endocrinology

CRNH Rhône Alpes:

Logo CRNH Rhône-Alpes

Obesity, Diabetes, Physical Activity

- Nutrition, health and well-being,

- Clinical nutrition, aging and chronic diseases

- Health properties of food and diet

- Lipid/lipoprotein metabolism and cardio metabolic risks

- Relationship between sedentary behaviour and health consequences

Liens externes


Il existe trois autres centres de recherche en nutrition humaine en France :

[[Catégorie:Nutrition]] [[Catégorie:Laboratoire de recherche français]]